Test Lab, NDT Weld Training Course Institute India Bangalore | Trinity NDT

ndt online courses

Online NDT Training Courses by India’s Leading Institute

Online NDT Training Level 2 courses from Trinity Institute of NDT Technology India are increasing becoming popular post Covid19 pandemic. Though there was clear requirement by large pool working mechanical engineering graduates, Trinity NDT has pioneered to organize the courses online. However, due to infra bottle necks could not do more to make the training […]

Online NDT Training Courses by India’s Leading Institute Read More »

Online NDT Training Courses by India’s Leading Institute

Online NDT Training Level 2 courses from Trinity Institute of NDT Technology India are increasing becoming popular post Covid19 pandemic. Though there was clear requirement by large pool working mechanical engineering graduates, Trinity NDT has pioneered to organize the courses online. However, due to infra bottle necks could not do more to make the training

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Technical talk on NDT for ANDHRA PRADESH STATE SKILL DEVELOPMENT Corporation AP india today

skilldevelopmenttraining APSSDC trinityndt Today while Delivering the Technical Talk on NDT for Advanced Manufacturing for Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation, Government of Andhra Pradesh – AP. Thanking APSSDC for organizing the talk. The talk covered Nondestructive testing NDT Basics applications on Ultrasonic testing, UT, Radiography Xray, Magnetic particle testing, Penetrant testing, Eddy current testing,

Technical talk on NDT for ANDHRA PRADESH STATE SKILL DEVELOPMENT Corporation AP india today Read More »

Virtual NDT Level II Online Training Courses September 2020 by Trinity NDT

Trinity NDT offers Online NDT Training & Certification Courses from 08th September 2020 on Ultrasonic Testing, Radiography, Magnetic particle testing, Penetrant Testing, Visual Testing and Eddy Current Testing. Virtual Online NDT Training in India attending by participants from over 42 Countries got most wide recognition that contains ample practicals sessions at our NABL Accredited ISO17025:2017 Labs at Bangalore, India. For

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Online NDT Training Courses 10 August 2020 Delhi Mumbai Chennai Kolkata India

#Xperienceprofessionaltraining10th August 2020 – 6th Batch of ONLINE NDT Training Courses from Trinity NDT. Following courses will be organized as per schedule. Ultrasonic Testing UT Radiography Film Interpretation Course RTFI Eddy Current Testing ET Magnetic Particle Testing MT Penetrant Testing PT Visual Testing VT Welding Inspector Training CoursesEach courses containing LIVE training sessions delivered by

Online NDT Training Courses 10 August 2020 Delhi Mumbai Chennai Kolkata India Read More »

Online NDT training Courses Institute Trinity NDT

Online NDT training ? Learn from the best trainers on NDT & Welding. Following NDT courses will be held online NDT Level 2 training courses online on Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic particle testing, Penetrant testing, Radiography film interpretation, Visual inspection, Eddy Current Testing, welding inspector course and Basic NDT courses. Online training starts on 3rd April

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