Dye Penetrant Testing Chemical Kits. Dealers in Bangalore.
Sales, Suppliers, Stockists for Penetrants, Cleaners, Removers. DPT testing Accessories
DPT testing Chemicals. Kit Sales Dealers in Bangalore. Stockists for Ferrochem, Magnaflux penetrant materials.

Sales division of Trinity NDT is a dealer for Dye Penetrant testing chemical test kits in Bangalore. Ferrochem make exclusive dealer for the state of Karnataka. We stock all types of Dye Penetrants, Cleaners, Removers and Developers. Visible, Fluorescent varieties, Dry, Wet developers. In general, available in 420ml aerosol cans and standard open cans at competitive pricing.
Authorised dealers, stockists for ‘Ferrochem’ make DPT chemical kits. Also, we stock ‘Magnaflux‘ make penetrants, solvent cleaners, developer materials for industrial applications. Visible penetrants are red in colour. Fluorescent penetrants are yellowish green. Sensitivities: S1 (low) up to S4 (highest sensitivity). Collect from us at our office in Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore. Test Certificates are provided for each batch along with supplies. Materials safety data sheet (MSDS) accompany for every sale.
We stock, sell, Aluminium comparator blocks for DPT testing. Ultraviolet light (UV), black lights for NDT application. Calibrated, visible light meters, digital radiometers for measuring UV light intensity. These meters, meets relevant ASTM, ISO standards. Check, order today.
Penetrant Materials complies to ASTM E165, E1417
We sale and supply DPT chemical kits confirming to ASTM E165 and ASTM E1417 standards.
A certificate of confirmation is provided for each batch of materials.
DPT Chemical Kit Dealers, Sales in Bangalore
Trinity NDT, sells only quality dye penetrant chemicals and accessories that are approved from leading companies. We are an authorised dealer and stockist for Ferrochem make DPT Chemicals in Bangalore, Karnataka in India. These materials are approved from Nuclear, Government and Defense organizations. Suitable for pressure vessel codes, nuclear, railways, aerospace applications. Supplying to customers across India.
Following DPT materials, consumable are supplied:
- Visible, fluorescent dye penetrant chemical kits
- Solvents and cleaners
- Dry, wet and non-aqeuous developers
- FPT aerospace stationery equipment
- Nickel Chromium Ni-Cr test panels
- Aluminium comparator blocks
- Lint free cloths
- Dye Penetrant systems
- Light meters- Lux meters, UV intensity Radio meters

Exclusive Dealer for Ferrochem Make
FerroChem Make DPT testing Kit dealers in Bangalore. Following stock of materials readily available to collect from our labs in Peenya.
Types of Penetrants of Ferrochem make:
- Solvent Removable Visible Penetrants – CrackCheck FC911
- Water washable Red Penetrant FC931
- Post Emulsifiable visible Penetrant FC911
- Solvent Remover for Red Dye Penetrant FC711
- Water suspendable Developers
- Non Aqeous wet Developers
Pric for DPT Test Kit in Bangalore
One set of DPT test kit includes Penetrant, Solvent Cleaner, Developer (420ml) aerosol cans price is just Rs.950/-* in Bangalore. Trinity NDT stocks all types of consumables of Ferrochem, Magnaflux, MR Chemie makes. Get our best offer today.
* GST Extra. Price – Ex works, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore. Ready stock available. Now send your requirement on WhatsApp below.
Classification of Penetrants Based on ASTM E165
As per ASTM E165 penetrants are classified as
- Type 1 (Fluorescent)
- Type 2 (Visible Red)
- Method A (Water Washable)
- Method B (Post Emulsifiable – Lipophilic)
- Method C (Solvent Removable)
- Method D (Post Emulsifiable – Hydrophilic)
- Level 1/2 – Ultralow
- Level 1 – Low
- Level 2 – Medium
- Level 3 – High
- Level 4 – Ultrahigh
In general, Sensitivity and type of penetrant is selected based on applicable specifications, product codes and application of the components.
Portable kit, Stationery Penetrant Equipment Sales
Portable Penetrant testing kits are good for on site dye penetrant testing. Large production parts and better sensitivity, stationery type DPT equipment does better.
Trinity NDT supplies DPT, FPI Inspection System as per the demands of Aerospace companies. Post emulsifibale, water washable test systems are designed to suit customer needs and supplied.
Stationery Type DPT Equipment

A typical system consists of a series of tanks having sizes tank size 1000 x 1000 x 600 mm for the following functions
- Timers, Hooters and Electric Circuit are incorporated for controlling operations.
- Water – Washable Fluorescent Penetrant Application & Dwell
- Post-Emulsifiable Fluorescent Penetrant Application & Dwell
- Water Rinse Station for Pre-rinse
- Water Spray for Post-Rinsing of Emulsified Parts
- Hot-Air Re-circulating Oven for Drying of Components
- Enclosed Dust Chamber for Dry Powder Developer Application
- Black Light Chamber for Examination
Liquid Penetrant Testing - NDT Accessories for Sale
Penetrant testing needs other accessories to perform the test, validate the results. Below accessories are of major use.
Trinity NDT – Sales division supplies the following DPT test accessories at Bangalore in India. Contact us for price, stock availability and delivery schedules.
UV Black Light Intensity Meter (Radiometer)

UV Light intensity meter or Radiometer is used for measuring Ultraviolet UV light or Back light intensity. UV light meters needs calibation (usually once on six months) as per testing procedure or standard. The instrument will be useful for measuring (Checking) intensity of UV/ Black Light Bulbs in Liquid Dye Penetrant testing. The UV light meter comes with a sensor for checking. Quality of instrument and sensor is vital. We supply UV light meters from our sales division in Peenya Bangalore.
Lux Meter for Measuring Visible Light Intensity
For Checking intensity of White Light lux meter is required. Lux meter measure visible light intensity at wavelengths 400nm to 700nm. All light intensity meter such as lux meter is to be calibrated once in 6 months as per ASTM E165. Lux meter comes with sensor for visible light intensity checking.

UV Goggle for UV Light Protection

UV or black light emits a range of ultra voilet spectrum from the light. But, the wave lenght from 320nm to 400nm is complete safe and this the UV goggles can help to filter the harmful wavelengths emitted from UV Black light used in NDT testing. Protection to eyes against UV radiations while inspecting is possible using UV goggles.
Aluminium Comparator Crack Test Block - Sales
Aluminium comparator blocks are useful for testing sensitivity of the Penetrant. Helps in comparison between different Penetrants. Comparator blocks have multiple cracks that are produces crack indications for verification of sensitivity. One of the most widely acceptable, useful calibration block for other than aerospace NDT applications. However, for aerospace applications, TAM/PSM panels are of wider use than this block.
Run the panel for each penetrant new batch and verify the quality of materials. Contact us in Bangalore to order a Aluminium comparator crack block.

UV Black Lights for DPT/FPI Testing

We supply quality UV light assemblies with LED lights, white light combination. Perfectly useful for fluorescent penetrant testing.
Our UV lights emits UV-A spectrum that meets relevant ASTM E3022 and ISO standards. Supplied with original test certificate and calibration reports.
Filter for UV Lights
Ultraviolet light filters are useful for filtering harmful radiations that are emitted from UV lights. These filter stops shorter wavelenghs of UV light making it safe for NDT inspections.
Fluorescent penetrant inspection should never be performed without proper filter in place. Inspectors needs to check cracks on the surface on daily basis. Clean filter to get better intensity before every use.
We stock and supply UV light filters for NDT use in and around Bangalore. Contact us for placing the order with us.

NDT Services Labs, Center of Excellence in Welding
Apart from DPT Consumables and accessories supplies, we provide NABL Accredited NDT testing services in India. Also Aerospace NDT Inspection services for MPI and FPI testing. Welder Qualification tests and Training services for PT Level 1 and Level 2 certifications in Bangalore, Karnataka.
Contact our nondestructive testing services division, Welding division or training division for you specific needs. We will be glad to assist you.