ISO9712 – NDT Level II Training & Certification Courses
Offers ISO9712 NDT Training Programs in India. Trinity NDT is a Training Agent for TWI.
ISO9712 Training Courses at Bangalore in India.
NDT Level II certifications as per ISO9712 Standard.
About ISO9712, NDT Certification.

NDT Certification schemes are evolving faster due to demand for skilled inspectors. ISO 9712 is an international standard released from International Organization for Standardization(ISO). This standard provides requirements for non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel training and certification. It is intended to ensure that NDT personnel have the adequate knowledge and skills to perform their job functions competently.
Unlike employer based SNT TC 1A scheme, ISO9712 certification is a third party certification. Offered by an accredited institute as per ISO17024. Due to increased use of ISO standards, demand for this scheme is increasing. Engineering material supplies to European origin companies needs NDT personnel to be certified to ISO9712. This standard evaluates and documents the competence of inspectors.
Also as per Government of India’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, demand for Level II certified inspectors is quite high. Our courses helps inspectors to upgrade their NDT certifications to this international standard.
Trinity NDT is a Training Partner for TWI (India) Pvt Ltd Chennai for ISO9712 training courses. We organize programs at our NDT testing center in Bangalore, India. Check below details and for any assistance contact us.
ISO9712 Pentrant Testing Level II Course
August 2024
Trinity NDT has scheduled CSWIP PT Level II training and certification course at best concessional fee* for limited period.
ISO9712 Penetrant Testing (PT) Level II – 26 to 30 August 2024
Venue: Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited, Bangalore.
Certification issued from TWI India. Check eligibility and fee below of this page. For details send request on WhatsApp.
Procedure for ISO9712 training
The ISO 9712 certification procedure involves formal class room training, practical hands-on practice, and examination. The certification is designed to verify that an individual has a thorough understanding of the relevant NDT techniques. After successful training, Level 2 Certified personnel can perform tests and interpret the results.
Being one of the widely acceptable standard, ISO 9712 certification is respected in the NDT industry. It is often a requirement for NDT personnel working in critical industries such as aerospace, automotive, and nuclear power.
ISO 9712 certification is valid for five years, after which time the individual must undergo recertification. This ensures that NDT personnel are up-to-date with the latest techniques and technologies in the industry.
NDT Methods Covered in ISO9712 Scheme
ISO9712 certification covers qualification and certification in the following methods:
Ultrasonic testing (UT), Magnetic particle testing(MT), Penetrant Testing (PT), Radiographic testing (RT), Film Interpretation (RTFI). Also, address requirements for Visual testing (direct unaided visual tests and visual tests carried out during the application of another NDT method are excluded). Added to this, Eddy Current testing (ET), Acoustic Emission Testing(AET), Infrared thermographic testing(IR), Leak testing(LT) (hydraulic pressure test excluded) and Stain gauge testing.
At Trinity NDT, we offer training in UT, MT, PT, VT, ET and RTFI as per ISO9712 scheme. Check details of upcoming NDT Level II schedules and fee details published in this page or contact coordinator for assistance.
Choose a method and product form as per individuals requirement. For example, an inspector engaged in welding quality control can select ‘Welding’ as product for his/her NDT training.
Eligibility and Qualifications for Course
As per ISO9712 Level of qualifications are: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
Eligibility criteria (ISO9712 Courses): The candidate must have requisite educational back ground with relevant industrial experience in the method to be certified (check below schedules information). Each eligible candidate shall undergo required duration of training. Shall take examination as per the requirements of ISO9712. He/she shall also meet the vision requirements specified for the level being certified for Near vision and Colour vision.
ISO9712 Course Examinations
Examination consists of General, Specific and Practical in each method. Registered candidates must attend and secure passing grade as per ISO9712 standard.
Examinations are held at Trinity NDT, and conducted by examiners from TWI India Pvt Ltd, Chennai. Course hand outs and examination schedule will be given on first day. All examinations held under CCTV surveillance and recorded. Examination code shall be followed during the entire period.
Training & Examination Venue
Training, Practicals and Examination Venue (for ISO9712 Training):
Trinity Institute of NDT Technology (A Division of Trinity NDT Engineers),
Aspire, #491, Site No 12, 14th Cross, 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Area, Bengaluru 560 058. INDIA
Locate Trinity NDT on Google Maps. Whats app us for assistance.
ISO9712 Course Schedule, Fee and Eligibility
Schedule for CSWIP – ISO9712 training (offline, Physical mode) Courses at Trinity NDT, Bangalore, India
Method & Level | Scheduled Dates and Fee Structure including GST per candidate | Experience Required |
CSWIP ISO9712 Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Level II – Welds | 15 Days UT ISO9712 Course, Exam Fee: Rs.19,588/- under SEASEP scheme (select only one method. For eligible candidates only) Discounted fee for other than SEASEP candidates – Rs.62,540/- *Special Fee applicable only for this batch. May be revised by TWI India for the next courses without prior intimation. Rights of admission reserved. | 12 Months |
RTFI Level II – Welds | Next Schedule will be announced shortly RTFI ISO9712 Fee: Rs.12,272/- under SEASEP scheme (select only one method. For eligible candidates only) Discounted fee for other than SEASEP candidates – Rs.70,800/- | 6 Months |
Visual Testing (VT) Level II – Welds | VT level II Training ISO9712, Examinations: 23 – 28 October 2024 Admissions OPEN VT ISO9712 Fee: Rs.13,688/- under SEASEP scheme (select only one method. For eligible candidates only) Discounted fee for other than SEASEP candidates – Rs.59,000/- | 4 Months |
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Level II | Next Schedule will be announced shortly MT ISO9712 Fee: Rs.9,676/- under SEASEP scheme (select only one method. For eligible candidates only) Discounted fee for other than SEASEP candidates – Rs.48,675/- | 4 Months |
Penetrant Testing (PT) Level II | 26 – 30 August 2024 at Trinity NDT, Bangalore Admissions Closing Shortly. Limited Seats. PT ISO9712 Fee: Rs.9,676/- under SEASEP scheme (select only one method. For eligible candidates only) Discounted fee for other than SEASEP candidates – Rs.48,675/- | 4 Months |
Registration Procedure for ISO9712 courses
1. Check Eligibility for the course
2. Send us Training request on Whats app
3. Fill the registration form
4. Attach documents
6. Submit signed documents through email
Check Our Other Courses. ASNT SNT TC 1A Training
Below is our Online, offline NDT training schedule for the year 2023-24. Courses are offered in both online and offline modes. You can register for one or more courses.