Center for NDT and Welding Inspection training Courses.
NDT Level II, Welding Inspector courses. ASNT Level III Trainers with 20+ Years Experience. Worldwide recognized certification.
Unique NDT & Welding Center in India. 42+ Countries Participants. ASNT SNT TC 1A, ISO9712 & CSWIP Courses.
NDT and Welding Training. Organized 240+ Online & Offline programs. Awarded 15000+Certifications.
Presenting the finest quality training from ‘Trinity Institute of NDT technology’. The center is based at Bangalore. Offering globally acceptable certifications from India. Helping companies to train and certify inspectors on nondestructive testing and welding. Our programs helps employers to achieve better productivity, faster inspections and thus cost savings. We are the approved training partners for 1500+ corporate companies in India and abroad.
NDT training is the best choice for Mechanical engineers, those who are searching for jobs. Level I, II certified inspectors can get employment easily. Inspectors are employable in manufacturing and in-service inspection of process plants such as petroleum refineries, aerospace companies.
Whether you are a job seeker or an employed engineer, choose our online or offline training that fits to your work profile. Check NDT course calendar and select a schedule that best suits to you.
Our training course are rated as superior. Because, we engage in house ASNT Level III experienced trainers. Each trainer has over 20+ Years of industrial experience. You may find more about ASNT Level III trainers. For comfortable learning, we take class room sessions at Aspire Auditorium. Hands on practical training is to be held at Trinity NDT service labs at the same venue.
NDT Training as per SNT TC 1A
SNT TC 1A of ASNT is a popular training scheme, and is world’s most widely recognized employer based certification program since 1970s.
Initiated by ASNT in USA, SNT TC 1A is a recommended practice for training and certification of NDT personnel. It is the world’s largest known certification scheme. As per this practice, employer shall prepare a written practice under the supervision of ASNT or company Level 3 consultant. He is responsible for the quality of learning outcome. However, he/she can hire an outside Level III and delegate training delivery to him.
In this scheme, a company Level 3 prepares a written practice as per SNT TC 1A. Then, employer approves the written practice. Before getting certified, each candidate is called as ‘trainee’. He/she shall meet eligibility in terms of qualifications and experience before the certification. Once meets the eligibility for the level selected, trainee has to undergo training and NDT Level I, II certification examinations.
Finally, based on exam results, he/she is declared as ‘pass’ or ‘failed’. Successful candidates will be awarded NDT level I or II certification. Failed candidates shall undergo additional training as may be recommended by the Level 3, before retaking exams.
NDT Training - Good for A Rewarding Career
Nondestructive testing can offer rewarding career. It is a skill that all quality engineers should master. NDT is used in manufacturing companies starting from automotive to aerospace structures. Also, process plants such as oil and gas industries offer lucrative career. As the industry output grows thus the requirement for Level I, II personnel.
Career path for inspectors is on steep rise due to continuous increase in demand for experienced engineers. Interestingly, there are inspectors earning better than an average software(IT) engineer. What can be a better reason to choose career as NDT inspector.
You may be a working as a design, production engineer or a quality engineer. Acquiring Level I, II certifications can change your career forever. The job satisfaction while working as NDT inspector is far better and gainful.
It is guaranteed that, unlike some other fields, NDT will not change much. It is only the data presentation and interpretation may change over time. However, the fundamental technology will remain same and one can choose it a career for life. For NDT Level I, II inspectors, career is flexible and challenging.
NDT inspectors can work in production, maintenance, R&D center, equipment manufacturing, sales or a practicing engineer. He/she can have more career options than anyone else. As experienced inspectors keep moving up the ladder, new positions keep arising. Because of need for skilled operators to perform inspections, pay scales are attractive.
How can NDT Training programs help you in meeting your objectives?
Employers willing to certify their employees can use our NDT Level 3 services. Our ASNT Level 3 can prepare written practice as per need, train, examine and issue certifications. A combination of class room and hands on practice sessions quickly improve the practical skills.
We can plan for organizing training at your works. Customers can depute employees for our regular programs. In either way, we maintain the quality of training to meet the objectives.
Though there are over 12 NDT methods suitable for training, following are Five Common methods: Radiography(RT), Ultrasonic testing(UT), Magnetic particle testing(MT), Penetrant testing(PT), Visual testing(VT). Though the first four are common in usage, VT is becoming increasingly important in weld inspection.
In addition as a sixth NDT method, Eddy Current testing(ET) is widely used in petroleum refineries, automobile and aerospace companies. ET has applications such as cracks, heat exchanger tube corrosion testing and materials sorting.
Option to attend Online Level 2 Training programs
Though physical mode of training effective, now Trinity NDT offers online mode classes. These online training courses are equally effective. The difference is, class room sessions are held online whereas practical in offline at our workshops in India. With the availability of high speed internet and online platforms for interaction, this mode is the first choice for working personnel. Because of flexibility on training times, you can attend without affecting your employment.
The institute offers, NDT Level I, II training and welding inspector courses through online mode. Over 27+ programs are held since three years. Online training attendees gave impressive feedback. As the courses are available non-stop, check our NDT course Schedule that best suits to your working style.
Eligibility for Training
For all NDT training courses, educational qualification and experience is mandatory. Prior to admission, the participants has to check the eligibility criteria. Know about eligibility criteria.
In addition, he/she shall submit eye fitness document from an opthalmologist. Download Eye fitness document.
Though suitable for mechanical engineers, even civil and electrical engineers can take the courses. Learn more about the short term courses for mechanical engineers.
Examinations for Level I, II

After completion of training period, each trainee shall take examinations. Trainees shall undergo class room and practical training. Post completion, he/she should take all 3 examinations for certification: General, Specific and Practical. Find more about NDT Level I, II examinations.
As per ASNT SNT TC 1A, to be successful, the trainee shall secure a minimum of 80% marks in each examination. Unsuccessful candidates should reappear for test. This re-exam shall be taken only after a period of one month after taking additional training.
NDT Training in Nigeria and Ghana

Comparing ISO9712 and SNT TC 1A Training Schemes
- SNT TC 1A specifies training as per employers written practice. Whereas, ISO9712 training is from an accredited agency as per ISO17024.
- In SNT TC 1A, training is provided by the employer or an outside agency delegated by the employer, whereas, in the other scheme approved body provides training.
- In former case, ASNT NDT Level III or examiner delegated by the employer will give the examinations, in later scheme, an approved training body gives examination.
- When employee leaves the organisation his/her certification is not longer valid. However, the certificate holds good in other ever after he/she leaves the company.
- Minimum marks to pass is 80% in SNT TC 1A, where as 70% in the case of ISO9712 training courses.
Courses Available for Registration
There are over 12 NDT methods suitable for awarding certifications. However, practically 6 methods are relevant and commonly used in industry. We offer training on following. Go to each link to learn more about specific course.
In addition, also conduct training on Basics of NDT, Metallurgy for Non-metallurgists, and UT of T-K-Y joints based on the requests. Want to know outline of each course? Here are the details. Download outline of each training course
Fee for NDT Level I, Level II Training
Future of Certified Inspectors
Not just training, quality of learning separates ‘chaff from the wheat’. Through our world class facility, we make the best future for NDT Level II engineers.
We carefully listen to the trainees feedback. That is to say, we continuously learn and improve our systems based on feedback. Check Our Youtube Channel for reviews.
Also, never an institute without a supported lab/workshop can give proper practical learning. It is an opportunity do practicals on latest NDT equipment, following approved procedures.
In conclusion, class room training and hands on practical sessions go hand in hand to make you a skilled inspector. Our training center can make you a skilled professional.
About NDT Training Center at Bangalore
Our training centre is located at Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore, India. The city is known as Information technology capital of India. It is the fastest growing metros in the world.
We schedule all our class room sessions at Aspire Auditorium. Audio, visual systems and place is aesthetically designed to give a feel of superb ambience.
Office and Training Center are facility are spread over 20,000 sq ft area. With right trainer, workshops and well designed courses, for sure learning curve will be quite impressive.
Welding Inspector Training Programs
Welding Inspector certifications are of great importance for engineers looking for a bigger career. Each Welding inspector should be familiar with welding processes, WPS, PQR, qualifying welders and maintaining records. Certainly this special course will deliver in-depth knowledge. If you are you looking for basic welding inspector course, we designed a tailer made program for engineers working in QA/QC departments.
This course is tailor made to give knowledge about roles, WPS, PQR, Visual Inspection and practically every thing that is needed to become an ideal inspector. It is suitable for shop floor engineers, welding Coordinators, QA/QC engineers and designers.
In addition, as a training agent for TWI, scheduling CSWIP 3.0, 3.1 and Senior welding inspector 3.2 programs. Find more information on CSWIP Welding Inspector Courses
Welder Skill training
The Center of Excellence in Welding, is incorporated in the year 2018. The objective of the center is to enhance skill of welders and inspection engineers. To fulfill the objective, the institute organizes welders’ training courses. Welding processes open for learning are SMAW, GMAW, GTAW and FCAW processes. Learn more about welder training.
Placement Assistanace to Candidates
We understand the purpose of joining the training is to get into job. It is vital for candidate to gain relevant experience in the method certified. Skilled Inspectors can easily get into jobs. Considering the important of job roles, we teach international code, standards such as ASTM, ISO, BS EN. Certified personnel can prepare procedures to carry NDT testing.
Also, we are helping the certified inspectors to get placed. We recruit for our labs in Bangalore. Also, to assist in our clients, connect with prospective candidates, we post available vacancies at our careers page. All our NDT job placement services are free. Follow us on Facebook, so that you won’t miss a job vacancy. You may also visit Ravi Trinity NDT Blog.
Reputed mechanical engineering companies from all over India are keep recruiting for NDT Level II job vacancies. This drive is to fill the job vacancies as QA/QC and NDT inspectors. For ASNT Level 3 certifications visit ASNT Website.