Sales of Equipment, MPI Powders, Carrier Oils, Calibration Blocks & Accessories at Bangalore India
Magnetic particle (MPT) Equipment Sales, Services and accessories supplier in Bangalore. MPI Machine Calibration facility.
Magnetic Particle (MPT) Equipments sales at Bangalore in India
Magnetic particle Inspection is used for the testing of ferrous materials. MPI testing is capable of detecting surface and below surface flaws. In this NDT method the test specimen is first magnetized. The magnetic field thus introduced into the specimen is composed of magnetic lines of force. Whenever there is a flaw which breaks the flow of magnetic lines of force, some of these lines must exit and re-enter the specimen. These points of exit and re-entry form opposite magnetic poles. Whenever minute magnetic particles are sprinkled onto the surface these particles are attracted by these magnetic poles to create a visual indication approximating the size and shape of the flaw.
Right type of Magnetic particle equipment and qualified NDT engineers can only produce desired quality in MPI testing.
Sale and Supply of MPI testing Powders, Oils and Consumables
Trinity NDT Sales division at Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore, provide sales and supplies wide range of Fluorescent Powders and Fluorescent Magnetic MPI testing Powders used for crack detection. The applications of these magnetic powders are in the field of forgings, foundry, fabrication, atomic energy, aerospace etc.,. The (Yellowish Green Color) fluorescent powders will glow under UV or black light, in dark conditions to show the defects. The defects will be identified as brilliant yellow green indications. We also offer both oil suspendible and water suspendible magnetic powders.
Both Fluorescent and Non Fluorescent MPI testing Powders
Non fluorescent magnetic powders for crack detection are available in two colours namely black & red. Inspection is possible without the use of UV or black light and without the inconvenience of darkened area. Cracks can be viewed easily in daylight or visible light. The application, therefore, becomes more versatile. MPI Inspection can be outdoors irrespective of availability of special light.
Non Fluorescent Magnetic Powders are used by foundries, railways, fabrication and for pipe line inspection. The Non-Fluorescent Powders are available as powder, paste and liquid concentrate for suspension in either oil or water. They are also available in self spray Aerosol cans. Non-Fluorescent Powders for dry application are available in powder form
Magnetic particle equipment and Powders meet requirements of ASTM E 709, ASMT E 1444 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section V Article 7, IS 6410, BS 4069 and other national and international standards
NDT testing Services, Welding and Training
Find more about NABL Accredited NDT testing labs, Welder Qualification testing and Training certification courses
Trinity NDT supplies and markets the following Magnetic Particle testing, Inspection equipment, powders, machines and Accessories for our sales office in Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore in India
Equipment for Magnetic Particle Inspection


U. V. Black Light Assembly
Inspection in Dark Room for Fluorescent Magnetic Powder.

Magnetic Field Indicator(Pie Gauge)
Determines presence and approximate direction of external magnetic field.

Residual Field Indicator
Residual Magnetic Field Indicator of range 0 to 3 Gauss, for measurement of effectiveness of demagnetizing operation.

Pear Shaped Centrifuge Tube with Stand
100 ml capacity pair shaped glass centrifuge tube for measuring settling volume, Bath Concentration, for Fluorescent and Non-Fluorescent wet magnetic particles.

Standard (Ketoes) Test Ring
Tool Steel Ring specimen for evaluating and comparing the overall performance and sensitivity of all types of magnetic powders and MPI System.

Copper Mesh Contact Pads
Braided copper mesh to establish a firm contact between the component surface and stocks of MPI Equipment in order to eliminate the possibility of sparking or heating of component while magnetizing

B.S. Test Bar
A gadget for establishing existence of adequate longitudinal magnetizing force for MPI Equipment

U. V. Protective Goggle
Protection to eyes against UV radiations while inspecting.

U. V. Torch
Batteryoperated , handy, light weight, UV/Black Light (LED) source for inspection.

U. V. Intensity Meter
Checking intensity of UV/ Black Light Bulb

Lux Meter
Checking intensity of White Light.