NDT Level I, Level II Examinations for Certification
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Examinations for NDT Level I, II Certifications as per SNT TC 1A 2020 of ASNT. Check details below.
About NDT Level II Examinations. Questions, exam pattern, daily assessments and passing marks for Certification as per SNT TC 1A of ASNT.
Examinations at Trinity NDT Certification Courses
In order to pass the exams, the trainees must do well in all of them, as required by SNT TC 1A and the employer’s written practice. If you’re in the Level 2 or Level 1 certification program, you’ll need to take these certification exams separately.
The trainees should follow the recommendations in ASNT SNT TC 1A and our Written Practice when taking these exams. We’ll have tests after every NDT training course to make sure our students have learned what they need to. They should be able to do testing correctly and have good knowledge.
What kind of examination/s one has to take for Level I, II Certification?

General Examination: The General Exam covers the basic ideas, theories, and how to use a specific NDT method. It’s a test where you answer questions with options, and you can’t use any books. To do well, listen in class, take notes, do your assignments, and talk to your trainer. There are 40 multiple choice questions, and you need to pick the right answers – no filling in blanks or describing things. No match the following and no need of drawing diagrams.
General examination is a closed book type examination. Each question carries one mark and no negative marking.
Specific Examination: The Specific Exam checks if you can read, understand, and use special rules and standards. It’s another test with questions and options, but you can use your specification. You’ll have to read a specification or NDT procedure given during the exam and answer the questions. There are 25 multiple choice questions in this section. You need to answer the most appropriate answer. Trainee has to read the specification, understand the contents and tick the right option in OMR sheet.
Specific examination is an open book examination. Trainee has to go through the document during the exam and answer the questions. No negative marking.
Examination Duration: Both part ‘A’, ‘B’ of the written exam will be for duration of 90 minutes in total.
Practical Examination: It is mandatory for the trainees to take practical examination for NDT Level I, II certification. This exam is about showing that he/she is capable to understand the test requirement, calibrate the equipment, using the testing equipment and do the tests.
Each trainee has to do the task on your own, check the results, and write a test report in a special way. Duration is informed by the examiner prior to practical examination.
How many marks do I need to secure to pass in NDT certification exams?
Each trainee to award NDT Level I, II certification, at least the following percentage of marks to be to be secured to ‘pass’ in the method. Following is the criteria for passing as per SNT TC 1A 2020 of ASNT and TNE written practice.
Minimum marks to be secured
- General Examination – 70%
- Specific Examination – 80%
- Practical Examination – 80%
- Average of above three exams – 80%
To successfully pass, you need an overall score of at least 80%. Plus, each individual exam should have a minimum of 70% for general, 80% for specific, and practical.
How long will it take to announce the examination results?
Once the NDT Level III examiner reviews the exam results, those who pass will receive their Level I or II certifications in 10 working days. If you don’t achieve the required passing score, you can retake the exam at the same training facility after 30 days. Before retaking the exam, if you didn’t pass, you might get more instruction or extra training to help you succeed. The trainer will recommend additional training, if needed.
Things to carry for NDT Level I, II Examinations

All trainees shall carry the following for their NDT Level I, II examinations,
- Scientific Calculator
- Pencil
- Pen
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Specification
- Writing Pad
Re-examination for Unsuccessful candidates
Those who do not receive the necessary passing scores must wait at least thirty (30) days or complete any extra training the NDT Level 3 Examiner deems necessary before taking the exam again. To appear for a re-exam, nominal fee shall be deposited to the training coordinator. Re-examination date and time will scheduled informed to the candidate.
Fee for Re-examination
Re-examination fee is applicable. Nominal fee for each NDT re-examination is Rs.1250/- *
Validitity of NDT Level I, II certificates
As per SNT TC 1A – 2020 edition, NDT Level I, II certifications are valid for a period of 5 years from the date of certification. For employer based programs, certification validity ceases when he/she leaves the organization. Before the expiry, the certificates shall be renewed or re-validated by an NDT Level III.
Trinity NDT provides renewal services as per SNT TC 1A and employers written practice. Find more details about NDT certification renewal. In addition the candidate has to maintain his eye fitness certificate in valid status for the complete certification duration.
For additional information or clarifications, contact us or request for more information on Whats app.