Your Reliable and Quick NDT Services Partner in Quality. NABL Accredited.
1500+ Customers. Since 2001. ISO17025:2017 Accredited Lab.
Largest NDT & Welding Facility in India at Bangalore. World Class Services on UT, RT, ET, MT, PT & VT.
Reliable NDT Services Laboratory in Bangalore. An independent NABL Accredited Center. Serves Hosur, Mysore. Facility for X Ray, Ultrasonic, Radiography, Eddy Current, DPT, MPT testing. Advanced NDT Center.

Independent NDT Services Lab in Bangalore. Testing at Our Labs, Onsite at Your Works in India.
We are a reliable NDT services company in Bangalore, India. ‘Trinity NDT – Testing Labs’ provide third party services at our center in 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Area. Offers on-site services at customer works using portable equipment. Conventional to advanced NDT techniques we are India’s largest company. Labs are NABL, NADCAP accredited as per ISO17025. Globally acceptable test reports.
Established in 2001. Serving 1500+ customers in India. Performing NDT on engineering components, welded structures build trust with customers. The fastest growing independent lab in India. Labs are NABL accredited as per ISO17025:2017 for NDT discipline. Our aerospace divisionis NADCAP accredited for MPI, FPI testing.
Facility for Radiography(X-ray) Enclosure,Ultrasonic testing(UT), Magnetic particle testing(MPT), Penetrant Testing(DPT), Eddy Current, Visual testing. Welding division provide, welder qualifications, inspection of welds, pipelines, ASNT/IWE consulting. We serve from the Indian state of Karnataka.
Our Advanced NDT solutions include, TOFD, Phased Array UT, Computed Radiography(CR). Strong expertise in pre-service inspection of critical components, welds. Experts in onsite, offshore In-service inspection of plants, boilers, pressure vessels, aircraft, ship structures. Ultrasonic thickness gauging service for tanks, pipelines, chimneys for corrosion.
Experience our fastest NDT services in India. Under ASNT certified Level III expert supervision, results are reliable, trusted worldwide.
To serve customers on time, we are available on Whatsapp. Request a free quotation today.

Request Quotation for NDT Services on WhatsApp
To ensure a swift response, customers are requested to furnish the following details. Our ‘Technical Manager’ reaches you, mails the quotation. Send us your contact details to us.
Typically, we aim to provide quotations for NDT related services in Bangalore within 2 hours*.
Send the following information on e-mail. Use our WhatsApp contact for quick response:
- Part Description
- Size, Drawing
- Quantity,
- Extent of testing
- NDT Method, Technique
- NDT Spec. or Procedure if any
- Acceptance Criteria
- Service Location
Your cooperation in providing this information allows us to deliver efficient, faster services.
To get our NDT services in Bangalore, Call/Whatspp on phone
+919844129439. E-mail:
Experience our award winning services today.
A Premier NDT Testing Services Company in Bangalore. Trusted by 1500+ Clients.
]Trinity NDT is a premier NDT services company operating from Bangalore in the state of Karnataka. Located at Peenya
Industrial Estate at north of Bangalore city. Our inspectors are available to serve you all over India. Experience the speed of our services.
Labs accredited by NABL, New Delhi as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Test results meet international standards. Certificates issued acceptable world wide. We follow ASNT NDT Level III approved procedures. Our In-house ASNT/NAS410 Level III at Bangalore works ensures quality of services.
Our experts brings over two decades of rich industrial experience. Adequate exposure to metallurgy helps in providing not just test results, but solutions to your challenges. That’s why we have 1500+ strong customers base. Growing rapidly, expanding services to pan India.
NABL Accredited Labs in India for NDT Services.

Our NDT service labs at Bangalore are NABL accredited as per ISO17025:2017. Scope of accreditation, Nondestructive testing discipline in 5 methods. For permanent facility and onsite inspections. We are an ISO9001:2015 certified company for welder qualifications, NDT, Welding training. Check our NABL accreditation scope, download NABL certificate.
Aerospace NDT division accredited to NADCAP from Performance Review Institute-PRI, USA. Scope of accreditation MPI and FPI testing.
Fluorescent Penetrant testing labs have the facilities for Water Washable (method ‘A’) , Post Emulsifiable (Method ‘D’) and Solvent removable (method ‘C’) processes. Approved for penetrant sensitivites S3 & S4. MPI labs equipped with head shot, coil, central conductor techniques. Know about NADCAP aerospace NDT labs
Our inspection services includes Dye Penetrant (DPT), Magnetic particle (MPI), Eddy Current testing, Ultrasonic testing and x-ray Radiography. Facility to perform tests as per ASTM, ISO, BS, EN standards.
Onsite NDT Services for Ultrasonic, Radiography, Magnetic particle, Dye Penetrant Testing.
Experience Speed and Quality of our NDT services in Bangalore. Skilled NDT Level II Inspectors. Monitored by In-house ASNT Level 3. Transparent Results. Trusted by over 1500+ Customers since 2001. Call Now.
X-ray, Gamma Radiography Services
The largest Radiography Enclosure in Bangalore. Whether it is Gamma ray or X-ray, we provide complete solutions. AERB Licensed NABL acrredited lab. In-house RSO & BARC Level II radiographers. Capacity to handle up to 5 Tonnes components. Find about RT testing Labs.
Ultrasonic Testing Services
Rely on our Ultrasonic Testing services. Experts in testing of castings, forgings, plates, welds, aerospace materials. Equipped with DAC, DGS, composites dry scan. Experienced Level II inspectors. Find about Ultrasonic Testing services.
Eddy Current Testing
Whether it is critical crack detection, material sorting or heat exchanger tube testing, outsource your Eddy current testing to us. Material sorting, crack testing, corrosion analysis of heat exchanger tubes. Best experienced Level II, III. Find about Eddy Current Inspection services.
Magnetic Particle Testing
MPT test labs equipped with yokes, prods and Bench type machines. Skilled MPT Level 2 inspectors for magnetic particle inspections for general and NADCAP aerospace applications. Find about magnetic particle testing services.
Liquid Penetrant testing DPT Inspection
A modern DPT testing lab in India. Fluorescent, Visible penetrant systems up to S4 sensitivity. NABL accredited DPT test lab. Special NADCAP accredited Aerospace FPI testing lab in India. Check more details about penetrant testing lab.
Visual Inspection Services for Welded Structures
Visual Welding Inspection services for fabricated pressure vessels, pipe lines, boiler components. Experts in visual inspection of weld joints to detect flaws and weld sizes. Find more about our visual testing services.
Radiography &
Ultrasonic Testing

Radiography X ray Test Center
Trinity NDT – Testing lab at Bangalore is equipped with radiography X-ray labs. RT Centre is approved by AERB and BARC, Mumbai. Licensed enclosure for Gamma and X-ray testing of welds and castings. Therefore, customers can outsource RT testing services round the clock.
Also, 5 tonne EOT crane to assist in handling big size castings and welded structures during radiography testing. In-house ASNT Level 3 for monitoring quality and a Radiological Safety Officer (RSO) for ensuring safety of operations.
Ultrasonic Test Services
Providing Ultrasonic testing (UT) services at our labs and onsite at customer locations. Facility for UT of forgings, castings, plates and bars. Experienced ASNT Level 2 Inspectors serving in Bangalore, Hosur and Mysore. An ASNT Level 3 in-house expert to monitor activities.
Ultrasonic thickness testing labs for measuring wall thickness. Inspectors experienced in thickness gauging of pipe lines, tanks and chimneys. Special dry scan UT equipment for Aerospace Composite inspections.
More information on Ultrasonic Testing (UT) and Thickness Gauging Services

Eddy Current &
Magnetic particle Testing

Eddy Current Sorting & Crack Test
Eddy current is a multipurpose NDT method. It is cost effective solution for materials sorting and mix up issues in automobile and CNC workshops. Also, a reliable method for crack detection on non-ferrous metals.
Our eddy current labs in India are fully equipped with Olympus make equipment, crack and sorting probes. We also do heat exchanger tube inspection and conductivity measurements in %IACS. Skilled level 2 inspectors works under in-plant ASNT Level 3 experts.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPT)
Magnetic particle testing (MPT) is an authentic NDT method for finding cracks. Providing MPI testing services onsite and at our labs for customers in Peenya, Bangalore, Mysore and Hosur.
Portable equipment for onsite inspections. Stationery equipment for head shot, central conductor and coil techniques using AC, HWDC and DC current. Find Magnetic particle testing (MPT) testing services.
MPT Level 2 inspectors with vast inspection experience. Competent in-house ASNT Level 3 for interpretation. Also, offers Demagnetization services for eliminating residual magnetism.

Penetrant & Visual Testing

Dye Penetrant (DPT) Testing Labs
Dye penetrant (DPT) testing – an NDT method for detecting open to surface cracks, flaws. An economical method applied for welds, castings.
Our DPT labs in Peenya, Bangalore are NABL and NADCAP accredited. Serves customers around Hosur, Mysore
The center has skillful DPT Level 2 inspectors to perform onsite, in-house tests. In-plant ASNT Level III available.
Equipped with Visible, Fluorescent penetrant testing (S3 &S4) techniques. Choose from Water Washable (Method ‘A’), Solvent Removable (Method ‘C’) or Post Emulsifiable (Method ‘D’).
Weld Visual Inspections
Visual testing (VT) is a key method for inspection of welds. VT is used for dimensional and surface flaw detection. Performing visual testing will enhance quality of welds.
One can verify weld dimensions using welding gauges. ‘Centre of Excellence in welding’ by Trinity NDT can do all kinds of visual testing onsite for bridges, pipelines and structures all over India.
Engaging IWE and IWT qualified welding engineers for visual inspections. Also, inspectors are CSWIP 3.1 certified. Consulting ASNT Level 3 experts.