World Class NDT, Welding Services Company in India.
Ranked India's 10 Top Performing MSME. Economic Times ET Now 2021 Awards.
Complete Solutions on NDT, Welding. Since 2001. NABL, NADCAP accredited Labs.
We help our Customers to provide reliable solutions for Quality Problems.
Let us Grow Together.

The Mighty Story of Trinity NDT
Find the story behind Trinity NDT. Life throws numerous challenges. One who converts them into opportunities becomes successful. Two first generation entrepreneurs built an amazing company with almost no investment. Except believing in core values, ethics, smart work learned in life. Just a tiny organization in 2001 to a gigantic private limited company, the story is an inspiration. Known as ‘Trinity Brothers’, Mr Ravi Kumar Thammana, Mr. Shiva Kumar R, never looked back in the journey.
Supported by a team of experienced NDT, welding engineers dedication, persistence helped us to serve 1500+ prestigious clients today. Not only giving B2B services to industries. We aim to train, build successful career for Mechanical QA/QC engineers. Through training courses on NDT, Welding at Bangalore, India.
Trinity NDTians are on mission to ‘Make the World Better, Safer for Quality Life’. Know about vital instances of life journey of the two technocrats.
Established ‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Pvt. Ltd’ at Bangalore, to provide trusted, reliable services to customers. Your competent solution provider for problems in NDT, Welding.
Strongly believe in ‘Trinity’: Quality, Integrity, Professionalism in every service we deliver to our customers.
the Story of Trinity NDTians
Mr. Ravi Kumar & Mr. Shivakumar

Two fascinating Engineers, with a one year age gap between them. Coming from a very modest family. Despite all the challenges and hurdles created one unique organisation Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Pvt.Ltd.
Mr.Ravi Kumar, the elder of the two and a Metallurgical Engineer. Mr.Shiva Kumar, the younger, a Mechanical Engineer. Moved from Bank to Bank in the year 2000-2001. For a small loan of Rs 15,000/- without much success. This despite the fact the hype by the government agencies that loan could be made available without a collateral. The Two brothers even went to the banks with three government employees as sureties. But still that did not work out for clearing the outstanding payments. The first big cheque was released for Rs 14,700/- from first customer M/s Wipro Fluid Power. Presently M/s Wipro Infrastructure Engineering.
Shiva says, ‘We innovated by doing all the NDT tests at the customers place thereby cutting on the transportation. Saves on the electricity cost working in the customers premises from 6.00 pm till 2.00 am. The day was used for the business development activities. For getting more business. Money was a scarce resource. Started maintaining daily expenses in petty note book. We still have details of how many times we would have changed the clutch wire or the spark plugs of the scooter.” The brother believed in the philosophy that, ” chasing the vision is important, not the money. It will sure follow sooner or later”. Today we are among the 10 best NDT companies in India.
Challenges on the path
In 2010 ‘Trinity brothers’ constructed a small office on an plot allotted from KSSIDC. Getting allotment letter was a tough challenge due to financial troubles. At times the loan application was rejected because one of them came from a neighboring state to Bangalore. The brothers kept trying for a loan from the period 2000-2002. The more they were turned off by rejection from banks, the more persistent they became.
In the process of applying for loan, a public sector bank officer humiliated them on face. Commented that ‘Do you both want to take the loan and escape elsewhere with money?’ Another bank officer out rightly rejected the application citing the reason for being a start up firm with little funds to open current account.
The recession had hit the market in 2001. This recession turned out to be a boon for them. Some of the closing industries at Peenya, Bangalore were selling their assets, equipment. The first equipment they bought was a Ultrasonic testing machine from Coimbatore. Bought for Rs 50,000/- and arranged money @5% rate of interest from the personnel contacts. They had nobody to seek help from as they came from a poor and humble families. This was the turning point. The only fall back was the confidence and the job in case they failed.
The Nondestructive Journey, that never Paused
The amount of self confidence ‘Trinity brothers’ developed was nurtured and strengthened by the way they responded to the circumstances. They looked forward at themselves in spite of them. With an additional investment bought a second hand used ‘Bajaj Chetak scooter’. Worked round the clock, hardly sleeping just only for 3-4 hours. The day starts at 5.30 am and ending the day post midnight sometime even 3:00am.
Average daily travel of more than 120 Kms daily on scooter. Commuted daily on one side Electronic city, on the other Doddaballapura. With no office, become difficult to build credibility with clients. In the year 2003, applied for a industrial plot of land with KSSIDC, Rajajinagar. The land was allocated by KSIDC. Even after getting the land the ‘Trinity brothers’ were not happy as there was no money for the construction. Authorities ordered to construct building on the vacant plot in 45 days or forego the advance money paid.
Help came from unexpected quarters, as they say, “When things have to happen the entire Universe conspires to help you”. Customers pitched in by tedious job. Meanwhile their file at the KSSIDC Head office got lost. The cold shouldering they got from the officials was a everyday blow – they went to the Police station, Courts and even politicians. But to no avail till the time a gentleman officer joined and helped them to prepare a new file. Things started moving positively for them. The success journey started.
Today, as the brothers look back their struggle with banks and state run organisations. Both are amply satisfied with the creation of their organisation. With not even a single employee in 2010, the staff strength now is 50+. Presence in Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana and Kenya. An enviable customer base of GE, Indian Railways, Dubai Airport, BHEL, NTPC and many more.
They look at future with optimism and take on more oncoming challenges. Successful and inspiring others.
'The Economic Times' ET Rise Awards 2021. Ranked as 10th Best Performing MSME in India.

A Prestigious award from India’s leading media house, The Economic times ET Rise MSME Awards 2021. We are awarded as Rank 10 in India’s Top Performing MSMEs for the year 2021. The award certificate is a great recognition for our sincere efforts in serving MSMEs in India through Nondestructive testing and Welding Services.

Laghu Udyog Bharati (LUB) 'Shreshta Udyama Seva Puraskar Award' for the year 2022

For outstanding quality Nondestructive testing services in India, honored with ‘Shreshta Udyama Seva Puraskar’ from Laghu Udyog Bharati Awards 2022.
Presented by Sri Murugesh Nirani, Hon’ble Minister for Large and Medium Industries, Govt. of Karnataka in Bangalore.
Tally Solutions - Business Maestro Award 2022
Being a resilient Nondestructive testing NDT company even during the pandemic Covid19, we have recorded highest growth in our services.
Recognising our outstanding performance we have been awarded as ‘Business Maestro for the year 2022‘ by Tally Solutions – A leading financial Software services firm serving MSMEs on digitization in India.

- Radiography x-ray testing
- Eddy Current testing
- Magnetic particle inspection
- Demagnetization service
- Dye penetrant DPT
- Visual Inspection
- Aerospace NDT
- NADCAP accredited NDT services
- ASNT Level III consulting
- Welder Qualification certification
- Certification courses on NDT and Welding
- Ultrasonic cleaning services
- Advanced NDT
- Computed Radiography Services
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