NADCAP Accredited Aerospace NDT Services.
Aerospace Specialized NDT lab in Bangalore, India.
Experienced In house NAS410 Level II and Responsible NAS410 Level III.
NADCAP Accredited Lab in Bangalore. Aerospace NDT Services. Magnetic Particle MPI Testing, Penetrant FPI testing Facility.

NADCAP is a global program, piloted by the main original equipment manufacturers, which makes it possible to organize a common approach to the monitoring and qualification of certain special processes such as NDT, Welding. This program also makes it possible to carry out continuous improvement plans at accredited manufacturers.
This robust, rigorous and reliable monitoring process, which is shared between several Original Equipment Manufacturers, therefore allows suppliers to simplify their process monitoring systems. It will also be a development opportunity for new markets, especially when NADCAP accreditation is a requirement in calls for tenders.
Accreditation Scope and Standards
‘NADCAP’ is one of the highest standard accreditation for special processes in aerospace sector. It is an industry managed special processes approval such as NDT, welding for conformity assessment. ‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited’ is first NDT Lab in India to get accredited to both global certifications, NADCAP and NABL. Scope includes Magnetic particle testing, Fluorescent penetrant testing as per MPI standard ASTM E1444 and FPI standard ASTM E1417.
Advantage with Trinity NDT is, in-house NAS410 Level III who oversees starting from technique selection, procedure preparation to performing the tests as per approved NDT procedures. Now, aerospace companies in India, can outsource NADCAP accredited services to third party labs in Bangalore. Our services are time bound and cost competitive.
Trinity NDT – Aerospace division is a special facility for testing components as per NADCAP aerospace NDT requirements. An important technology to monitor and control the quality of components without affecting them adversely. This gives confidence to users about safety and reliability. Needless to say, NDT testing is key to improve product design and to reduce the cost of production.
We are approved testing service provider for Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL), Dassault Aviation Systems, France and others. If you need NADCAP accredited NDT services in Bangalore, India, contact us or WhatsApp us today.
Outsource NADCAP accredited NDT to Us
Demand for quality products and life expectancy is ever increasing. Quality enhances customer satisfaction thereby building reputation. Now Indian manufacturers need not have in-house aerospace NDT facility. Installing and maintaining this is cumbersome and no more competitive. We are here to give you world class services at comfortable pricing.
Just leave special task to our NAS410 experts at Trinity NDT. Our NADCAP accredited labs in Bangalore now serving pan India. Can provide testing, documentation to meet end user specifications.

Aerospace NDT Services in Bangalore
Aerospace is the one of the key sectors that employs NDT to find defects in Aircraft structures. Safety of each component in aerospace is paramount. Therefore, stringent quality standards are in place for producing high quality products. Also, there is continuous demand to design lighter aircraft structures to increase fuel efficiency there by reducing pollution and to protect the environment.
Not just that, NDT testing of aircraft critical components during in-service inspection is common to continue the flight safe operation. Large pool of NDT techniques and technicians are ready to carry NDT during MRO of aircrafts and helicopter components.
Unlike other engineering areas, aerospace sector demands highest standard process controls. That is to say, inspection with NO compromise. Also administration and competency testing of personnel carrying NDT testing for Aerospace is vital. Resolution of process issues immediately will hold the process under control so that it does not fail and produce in appropriate results.
Getting NADCAP Accreditation

NADCAP (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) is an industry managed confirmative assessment program in aerospace sector. This program brings major aerospace OEMs, technical experts from prime contractors, suppliers and representatives work together to establish NDT procedures and approve. This has standardized the approval process. Based on industrial consensus NADCAP approval is granted post assessment by experts assessors.
Trinity NDT- Aerospace division in Bangalore, has successfully completed NADCAP assessments. Now, serving all major OEMs in India. Also, the first lab in India to get accredited to both NADCAP and NABL as per ISO17025:2017. MPI and FPI labs have all necessary equipment, certified NAS410 personnel to perform and approve the processes. Ask us for more details.
Our NADCAP - NDT Scope
NADCAP is the leading, worldwide cooperative program of major companies designed to manage a cost effective consensus approach to special processes and products. Accreditation provide continuous improvement within the aerospace industry. Has become a basic requirement in the aerospace related Industries. Major aerospace component manufacturers engage NADCAP accredited service providers to test aerospace components.
The Nadcap NDT Task Group is responsible for the operation of the NDT accreditation program.
Performace Review Institute – PRI is the global authority in facilitating industry managed programs such as NADCAP accreditation. PRI offers accreditation in NDT, heat treatment, welding and other special processes.

MPI and FPI Services - Scope

Following are the Nadcap NDT baseline checklists for accreditation in MPI and FPI testing:
- AC7000 – Audit Criteria for NADCAP accreditation
- AC7114 Latest revision – Nadcap audit criteria for NDT suppliers accreditation
- AC7114/1 Latest revision – Nadcap audit criteria for Penetrant survey
- AC7114/2 Latest revision – Nadcap audit Criteria for Magnetic particle survey
Based on recent assessments, we provide services at our aerospace labs in Peenya, Bangalore on,
a. Magnetic particle inspection as per ASTM E1444
Why NADCAP Accreditation for Special Process?
In Aerospace special process requirements, NADCAP Accreditation is needed to,
- Achieve greater consistency across the supply chain and throughout the industry.
- Quality Improvements –An increasing percentage of Nadcap accredited companies report quality improvement in the area(s) related to their Nadcap accreditation(s)
Aerospace OEMs all over the world such as Boeing, Airbus, GE Aviation and Rolls-Royce work together with industry suppliers to agree to the standard that a supplier must attain in order to become and remain Nadcap approved. Also, aerospace companies will only sub-contract with Nadcap approved suppliers. Because, this is a globally recognized industry-wide standard of work ensuring that a part purchased from Bangalore is of similar quality to a part originating from New York.
NADCAP, NABL Accredited NDT Labs
Rarely the are service providers accredited to both NADCAP and NABL. A unique feat that is achieved now by Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited in Bangalore.
It is a leading NDT company in India for high quality services on NDT and Welding since 2001. The company received various certifications for its QMS such as ISO9001:2015 and ISO/IEC17025:2017. However, NADCAP accreditation is the most significant milestone for its aerosapce division located at Peenya in Bangalore, India. The most stringent audit ever undergone that brought best quality for our process and increased competency of NDT personnel. This reaffirms to our commitment for continuous improvement of our systems and services.
Magnetic Particle Inspection - MPI Testing Services

Magnetic Particle testing, known as MPI testing in aerospace. This method is suitable for components that are strongly magnetic. Such as Iron, Nickel and Cobalt alloys. Suitable for both crack detection during manufacturing and in-service inspections. It can detect both surface and subsurface flaws. Various techniques are used, such as Yoke, Prod, Central conductor, Head shot and coil shot. However, MPI testing of aerospace components limits the usage to only few techniques, head shot, central conductor and coil techniques. These are NO sparking techniques. No sparking and no damage to the parts.
NADCAP accredited labs at Trinity NDT, Bangalore in India has complete set up for MPI as per ASTM standards. We provide services using Head Shot, Coil shot techniques. These techniques are approved to use on aerospace components.
MPI equipment meets ASTM E 1444 standard. Fluorescent technique gives better sensitivity and enhances speed of crack detection. We use consumables, media and carrier oils from Magnaflux, USA. Know more about Aerospace NDT services.
Also, personnel are certified as per NAS 410. An in-house responsible Level III to monitor complete labs. If you have a NADCAP accredited MPI testing requirement, contact us today.
Penetrant Inspection (FPI) as per NADCAP

FPI testing is one of the surface NDT method for testing in aerospace. FPI testing detects only surface opened flaws in non porous materials. Can be used on Aluminium, Magnesium, Titanium components.
Surface flaws are very minuscule flaws which are otherwise invisible to human eye. Lot many techniques and sensitivities of the penetrants are available to choose. For example, penetrant ‘sensitivity 4’ is commonly used for critical turbine blade crack detection. Select right technique based on application. Consult our NAS410 Level III to help in selection.
FPI testing of aerospace component is completely different when compared to general PT testing. Following sensitivities and Type 1 penetrant variants ( NADCAP Accredited) are available with us at our labs in Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore in India.
- Method A ( Water Washable Penetrant ) Sensitivity S2 & S3
- Method D ( Post Emulsifiable Penetrant ) Sensitivity S4
The modern NADCAP accredited facility at Bangalore, India has excellent ground setup that meets almost aerospace standards. Also, personnel with NAS 410 Level II performs FPI inspection. An in-house NAS 410 Level III in FPI testing to monitor processes, equipment performance and personnel certifications.
For NADCAP accredited FPI testing services contact us.
World Class NDT Services - Non-Aerospace

The Aerospace NDT labs are located at easy to access Peenya Industrial Area in Bangalore India. Also, we do all NDT inspection services in compliance with NABL ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO9001:2015. This will assure perfect delivery of our quality services.
We also provide other Nondestructive testing services, welding fabrication and training services. Know more about NABL accredited labs