Radiography Film Interpretation RTFI Level II Course
Special course for Quality, NDT inspectors. Learn film interpretation of welds, castings
India's Best Rated Institute. Trained from 45+ countries. Online, Offline Schedules.
A unique Course on Radiography Film Interpretation(RTFI) Level II. Certification as per ASNT SNT TC 1A, ISO9712.
Register for Online, Offline training.
Get Certified on RTFI Level II in India

Radiography Interpretation of films RTFI Level 2 course focus on principles, test variables, films and techniques. Film interpretation is more about skills than science. Learn In depth about principles of imaging, shadow formation. Join this unique designed course for quality engineers engaged in interpretation of welds, castings. Organizations, outsource radiography activity to third party NDT service providers. Lack of knowledge leads to compromise in maintaining quality. This course helps to review the films submitted for quality. Gives adequate skills to identify flaws and evaluate as per codes, standards. Online RTFI course is also organized for working quality engineers.
Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited is a reputed NDT, welding service provider in India since 2001. NABL accredited Radiography testing labs in Bangalore, India. Exposure to gamma, x-ray equipment, hundreds of radiographs for practice. ASNT Level III trainers with over 27 years of experience in interpretation of welds, castings. Each trainee not only interprets the films, gets opportunity for film loading, understand techniques, giving exposure, watch live film processing.
Participants from GAIL India, ONGC, Indian Navy, Indian Army, NTPC, GE and more. Now RTFI course available (ASNT SNT TC 1A) online and physical modes. Check schedules and register today. Experience the best learning ambience at Trinity NDT in Bangalore, India. Find details for ISO9712 training.
Learn RTFI Course at Our Radiography Testing Labs

The best place to learn film interpretation is radiography testing lab. Unless, the person understands the reasons behind good radiography testing, he/she can never able to interpret properly. This needs, interpreting numerous films on daily basis. Ideal place for learning film interpretation is where RT testing is available. Institutes without such testing labs cannot provide quality training. Trinity NDT is located at Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore in India. Labs are NABL accredited for Radiography x-ray testing. Serving over 1500+ customers on both X-ray and Gamma ray using Iridium 192 source in the state of Karnataka.
In addition, film processing dark room can enhance you imagination about how the films are processed. The center also has dedicated film processing lab for developing radiographs. Trainers are RSO Level II from AERB and ASNT Level III certified.
About Radiography Film Interpretation Training
Considering safety concerns, engineers working in quality can attend Radiography Interpretation course RTFI level 2. This is certification course organized at Bangalore India as per ASNT SNT TC 1A and ISO9712. The course is designed to give insights into principles of RT testing, Industrial applications in welding, casting, techniques, film selection, characteristics of X-ray films, film density requirements.
Prior to interpretation, the course also teaches about Image Quality Indicators (IQI) selection, Interpretation, evaluation of films for quality. Artifacts, false indications. Finally, evaluating for flaws in castings and welds as per ASME, AWS, ISO codes.
Practical sessions are part of the training. Includes demonstration on SWSI, DWSI, DWDI techniques. Read, download RTFI course brochure.
Eligibility, Fee, Duration
Eligibility Criteria for RTFI Level II Course:
Minimum qualification is 10+2 or Diploma with 220 hours of work experience.
Non-Radiographers can attend the course directly. RT Level I radiographers can also register. Check eligibility for NDT courses.
Fee Details:
RTFI Level II course is available at just Rs.4980/- if you choose 5 course package. Limited period offer*.
Individual method wise, RTFI Course fee is Rs.7499/- for Indians, USD $359 for other nationals. GST extra.
Course Duration: 03 Days available in online and physical(offline) modes. Check NDT training calendar.
RTFI Course - Objectives
- Understand the basic principles of RT procedure
- Understand the film processing procedures
- Recognise limitations in exposure quality
- Understand potential causes of processing artifacts
- Assess radiographic quality
- Understand viewing conditions
- Interpret RT codes and specifications
- Write RTFI reports
- Understand origin of defects
- Locate and recognise radiographic images for castings & welds
Training Outline
- Review Of RT test Variables Related To Film Interpretation
- x ray Film properties
- Radiographic Viewing
- Radiographic Image Quality
- Exposure Techniques
- Discontinuities
- Radiographic artifacts
- Codes, Procedures, and Written Practices
- Radiographic Report Forms
Calibrating and using densitometers, evaluating x ray radiographs related to casting and welds
Download Radiographic Test Film Interpretation-RTFI Course Brochure
For Nondestructive testing and Welding related updates visit Ravi Trinity NDT Blog
Trainers Profile
Trainers are with ASNT Level 3 in Radiography testing. Certified as Radiological Safety Officers from AERB, Mumbai. Practical trainers are certified Radiographers with BARC Level I, ASNT Level II.
Back to Basics. Radiography Testing.

Radiography testing is a volumetric NDT method to detect flaws lying inside the materials. Widely used in establishing casting process and welds to evaluate the quality of welds produced. Testing is carried out by Gamma Rays using radioactive isotopes such as Iridium 192, Cobalt Co60, Thulium 170 or using X –ray equipment. Both gamma radiography and X-ray radiography are similar in nature except the way in which radiation is generated.
X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) who was a Professor at Wuerzburg University in Germany. Working with a cathode-ray tube in his laboratory, Roentgen observed a fluorescent glow of crystals on a table near his tube.
The history of radiographic testing (RT) actually involves two beginnings.
1. The first, commenced with the discovery of x-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895
2. The second with the announcement by Marie and Pierre Curie, in December of 1898, that they had demonstrated the existence of a new
radioactive material called ‘radium’.
Though medical radiography looks similar, Industrial Gamma Radiography requires radioactive isotopes such as Iridium 192 or Cobalt 60. However, X rays are produced by principles used in generating X-rays using equipment or Linear accelerators or Betatrons depending on thickness and type of material. Learn more about Interpretation of welds.
Advantages of RT testing Over UT Testing
One major advantage of Radiography when compared to Ultrasonic Testing is permanent record. In Film Radiography as film, whereas, in Digital Radiography as image. Preserved for the complete life cycle of the component/structure.
There are safety hazards associated with Radiography sources. Round the clock surveillance is needed for radiography. Persons performing RT shall be certified from AERB, Government of India. UT does not require this except the inspector to be certified.
In general, UT testing is effective for higher thickness components due to dead zone limitations. Radiography effective for thinner materials. For example, Ir-192 suitable up to 75mm thickness of steel. Cobalt 60 for 150mm thickness of steel approximately. Thulium 170 can be used up to 10mm of steel only.
Also RT is used in testing assemblies to find the individual components inside assemblies to replicate or reproduce the same indigenously. UT cannot be applied for assembled components. Also needs couplant.
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board AERB Mumbai India is the regulatory authority for radiation activities in India. Trinity NDT Radiography
facility is licensed from AERB Mumbai India for Radiography Enclosure with Iridium 192 of up to 100 Curie. Know more about our RT testing lab.
NABL ISO17025:2017 Accredited NDT Labs
Trinity NDT – Testing Services Labs are NABL ISO17025 accredited. Practical training is held at our labs in Peenya Industrial Area, Bengaluru.
The testing Labs have facility for
About Our Radiography Testing Level II Course
Radiography testing Level 1 or 2 Certification training courses are crucial for technicians to learn and practice RT testing method. Safety concerns are to be addressed appropriately. Each testing course is designed to learn from Basics to Principles of Radiography and safety in Industrial Radiography practice.
However in India, to operate the RT testing camera or IGRED in India the person shall be certified as Industrial Radiography offered by AERB Mumbai. However other aspects of testing such as selection right sources, RT Techniques, Selection of Films and Penetrameters IQIs, sensitivity, Density of films and Safety in Radiography are taught in depth during this program and practical’s are organized to quickly bring participant to understanding and perform RT testing.