Advanced NDT Testing Services in INDIA.
Phased Array PAUT, TOFD Ultrasonic Testing, Computed Radiography, Eddy Current Lab
Experienced professionals. NABL ISO17025 Accredited World Class Facility.
Advanced NDT Services in Bangalore.
Phased Array, TOFD UT, Eddy Current, CR Radiography.
Generation of conventional NDT is slowly tapering off. Challenging applications for weld inspections demands more data, analysis, imaging. Trinity NDT Labs at Bangalore, has extensive range of advanced equipment, experts to offer services onsite. We now added Phase Array PAUT, TOFD, Total Focusing Method (TFM) to our portfolio. Computed Radiography CR systems, advanced Eddy Current services. Option to choose testing at Labs in Peenya or onsite across in India.
If you need advanced NDT services at affordable price in Bangalore, contact us.

With the advent of advanced NDT equipment, more information about flaws can now be obtained. Thanks to groundbreaking imaging technologies. By observing the diffraction of ultrasonic beams near the tip of a flaw, even previously hidden cracks are now detectable. Ultrasonic wave sensors are placed to detect the diffracted waves. Received signals are filtered, amplified, and processed. This is a principal mode of operation for the Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) technique. Both Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) and TOFD can replace hazardous radiography testing in some applications.
The ever-increasing cost of silver has made film usage scarce. As we progress towards a better, safer world, detecting the finest flaws in materials is crucial. Since Mr. Roentgen’s discovery of X-rays in Germany in 1895, there have been few changes in film radiography for decades. Digital photography has now completely replaced film photography.
Despite escalating costs, industrial radiography has continued to use films. However, digital radiography and computed radiography are now transforming how we record, analyze, and store images. For over a decade, computed radiography (CR systems) has been widely used for inspecting welds and castings.
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing PAUT Services

Unlike single crystal probes that send ultrasonic waves at only one angle, we can now steer the beam, enhancing the inspection of welds and castings. With advanced electronic displays and signal processing software, it is now possible to generate sound beams from a mosaic of crystals in a single assembly. This has revolutionized the way we inspect materials for flaws. This principle helps NDT inspectors perform comprehensive scans of welds using Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT).
Using focal laws, the beam can be steered for optimal detectability, leading to improved flaw sizing, recording, and analysis. PAUT has become a preferred tool for inspecting weld joints, replacing traditional X-ray radiography.
Our NDT labs provide Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing services for the inspection of welds, utilizing PAUT equipment from Olympus Model Omni X3 and advanced software for image analysis. Our experts deliver precise results.