Comprehensive Solutions on Welding, Brazing, Soldering
Establishing WPS, BPS, Processes, Expert Consulting, Inspection, training and Certification
India's Leading Company for Total Solutions on NDT & Welding
Comprehensive Solutions on Welding, Brazing, Soldering. Talk to our seasoned experts today.
What We Provide to Our Customers? Take a look at Our Complete Weld Solutions

Welding Division of ‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited’ at Bangalore, India provide comprehensive solutions on Welding, Brazing and Soldering. Starting from establishing Welding procedure specification(WPS), Brazing procedure specification(BPS) to inspection and testing of welds, we are India’s leading company.
Services include, Calibration of welding machines, training of welders, certification of welders. Consulting – ISO3834, EN15085, EN1090 certifications. External International Welding Engineer(IWE) for these company certifications as ‘Responsible Welding Coordinator (RWC)’.
A world class company located at Bangalore, renowned for NDT testing services, Welding services, advanced NDT and training services. Seasoned experts to take emerging challenges. Since over two decades, providing effective solutions to over 1500+ clients across India.
Do you have a welding, brazing challenge? contact us today for a cost effective solution from Trinity NDT.
Welder, Brazer Qualification and Certification Service
Welding is a modern manufacturing process that joins two or more materials. Just joining the two members is not enough to with stand the loads for longer duration. Hence it is essential to prove that a welding procedure meets the quality standards set forth and also to ensure the welder is capable of producing consistently good quality, defect fee welds.
A welding procedure is a systematic method that is used to repeatedly produce sound quality weld joints. Various national and international fabrication codes, standards and specifications are currently being followed to prepare welding procedure specifications (WPS) to qualify the fabrications welding procedures. The procedure qualification record PQR is a document that consists of record of test results on the welded coupon.
Trinity NDT has over two decades of serving the customers through certification of their welders to International standards, codes and specifications. Our team on Welder Qualification tests, Welding Inspection and welding consulting services comprises of Welding experts with decades of welding related experience with leading welding and fabrication companies. Our welding inspectors are certified to American Welding Society AWS-Certified Welding Inspectors, CSWIP 3.1 and other internationally recognized personnel certifications. The panel of experts at Trinity NDT can work together with clients and their counterparts for specific requirements to establish Welder Qualification tests.
Welder Training Courses

India is becoming manufacturing hub that has huge requirement for skilled welders. Since a decade, growth of fabrication industry is exponential. This is leading to large gap of supply and demand for skilled welders. Currently Government of India operates Industrial Training Institutes(ITIs) and and other skill institutes offer basic welder training.
Trinity NDT WeldSolutions has initiated training courses for welders at Bangalore. The courses offered for 4 welding processes, namely
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
- Gas Metal Arc Welding(GMAW)
- Gas Tunsten Arc Welding(GTAW) and
- Flux Cored Arc Welding(FCAW)
If you want professional training on any of the above welding processes contact us today.
How Our Welder Training Courses are Special?
Welding is a process of joining materials. It is not just joining the materials the process must be carried out using correct variables skillful welder and ambience suitable for producing sound quality welding. Quite good number of welders in India are self made. It means the welders are becoming skillful by getting themselves strained while performing their job. Very less number of institutes offered welders training that makes them proficient about welding. These courses are generic in nature and one training may not be suitable for all. Because each programme needs to be designed considering the actual requirements for the job. General welder training courses lack infrastructure, professional trainers and no do not have job specific training.
Understanding the needs of the employers Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited – Welding training institute Office world class training on all major welding processes. Our expert to design these courses considering the actual requirement of the welder the job profile thickness range material and other factors that are relevant for welding.
Industry 4.0 ready welding machines, state of art ‘Centre of excellence in welding’ located at core of Peenya industrial area in Bangalore India. Expert trainers with over two decades of experience in training are engaged. Each training module is designed to be practically intensive and covers at least 60% to 80% practicals and remaining classroom instruction. That is why we recommend before joining our welders training courses, the candidate should acquire at least 3 months of on-job experience. This helps To understand the concepts easily. That is why our courses makes the candidate ready to perform directly on projects.
Visit ‘Centre of Excellence in Welding’ at Bangalore today. Indicate your requirement. We design, organize a special welder training course for you.
GMAW Welder Training Course
Gas metal arc welding as the name indicates two different members together using consumable and gas. It is also called as CO2 welding If the gas used is purely carbon dioxide however some applications demands combination of inert gases like helium or argon in combination with CO2 gas.
If pure CO2 gas is used the process is called as Metal active gas welding(MAG). However if helium or argon gas is used in combination with CO2 gas the process is called as metal inert gas welding(MIG). Percentage of each gas in this process may vary as per the material and other standard requirements. This process is most widely used for semi automatic or fully automatic or robotic welding. If the process is carried out by the welder, he/she needs to have good skills in handling the electrode torch setting appropriate, voltage, current, gas flow rate, wire feed and speed.
We have the complete facility for learning GMAW process. Complete range of equipment safety accessories raw materials combinations of gases are available. Expert trainers have designed this course considering the actual requirements on site. Facility for training butt/fillet plate pipe product forms at various welding positions.
Contact us today if you have a requirement for GMAW, MIG/MAG welding process training for your welders.

TIG Welder Training Course
Gas Tungsten to arc welding(GTAW) Is also called as TIG welding.It is one of the important welding process applied for critical welds . Such as pressure vessels boiler piping aerospace and critical welding structures . In this process a non consumable electrode made of tungsten is employed to start and maintain the arc to produce the required heat at the joint. An intert gas such as helium or Argon is used as shielding gas to product the weld from oxidation and to avoid well related discontinuities.
The amount of skill required to perform TIG welding is quite high. The welder needs to have good skill to manipulate the non consumable electrode and consumable in addition to adjusting the gas flow rate. Among the industry TIG welders are having great amount of demand. Considering this we design TIG welder training courses with suitable amount of practicals.
Each welders training module is specific to a welder considering his background experience. Also we consider his actual job profile type of materials positions and other factors if you are looking for GTAW or TIG welder training in India contact us today.
SMAW Arc Welder Training

Shielded metal arc welding(SMAW) is also known as arc welding or stick electrode welding. In this process the wedding is performed by using consumable electrode of length 250mm-350mm. Though no shielding gas is used here the required production from oxidation is provided by burning of the flux. The electrode usually has a flux coating. Varieties of coatings are available based on the type of the material being welded position and other factors. Because of the economy in buying the equipment this is most widely used welding process among fabrication shops. Though the skill required for the welder to perform this welding may not be to the extent like TIG welding process the welder still needs to have adequate proficiency in manipulating the electrode.
At our welding centre, complete range of equipment starting from portable to large power sources available to produce X ray radiography quality welds. The course is designed to make every candidate a professional welder in SMAW arc welding process.
If you need professional training on arc welding, Visit our facility today. We make the training courses that perfectly suits you.
FCAW Welder Training
Flux Cored Arc Welding or FCAW He’s a modern welding process In this process the consumable electrode will be continuously feeded. However the electrode carries its own flux to protect it from environmental oxidation. These electrodes are hollow in nature and carries the required flux. Electrodes are tubular in nature and hence little expensive when compared to other electrodes. For shielding flux could be enough or additionally gases also can be used for more protection for the welds.
For FCAW welder training the institute has every equipment consumable and safety accessories to make you the most professional welder we design and deliver the courses keeping in mind about your requirement like type of product position material etc.
If you have the requirement for FCAW builders training contact or expert today. Once trained you would be the most professional Welder to perform to world class standards.
Advantages of Outsourcing Your Welder Qualifications
- Vast Experience in establishing WPS to international standards or codes including qualifying as per Aerospace standards
- Facility to outsource necessary tests to Trinity NDT while establishing WPS
- In house NABL accredited Nondestructive testing NDT Lab facility
- Delivery of Test Results in Record time
- Economical and affordable Welder Qualification and certification services
- Ability to Hand hold clients to train as per specific test parameters and fine tune their welders to the requirement of their customers
- Facility for training welders to improve the skill sets
- Wide spectrum of welding expertise working with combination of materials for modern applications
- Consulting services to improve quality of welding on shop floors
Establishing WPS for Welding Process Qualifiation
- Planning the welding tasks effectively
- Collecting the data pertaining quality requirements
- Writing a Welding procedure for use of for trial
- Making a test weld under the supervision of welding inspector
- Evaluating the results
- Approving the procedure for welding
- Preparing the documentation as per specification or code
- PWPS: Preliminary Welding Procedure Specification
Before procedure approval.
- WPS: Welding Procedure Specification
After procedure approval
- WPAR (WPQR): Welding Procedure Approval Record
Welding procedure test record
Objective of Preparing Welding Procedure Specification WPS
- To give maximum confidence that the welds mechanical and metallurgical properties meet the requirements of the applicable code/specification.
- Each welding procedure will show a range to which the procedure is approved (extent of approval)
- If a customer queries the approval, evidence can be supplied to prove its validity
How Trinity NDT - Welding Division Helps You?

- Preparing Welding Procedure specifications(WPS) as per codes and standards
- Witnessing, third party inspection of welder qualifications tests
- Preparing WPS, PQR, WPQ
- Analysis of Mechanical and metallurgical tests
- Carrying out Radiography (X-ray and Gamma ray) Ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspection, liquid penetrant inspection, visual inspection and other NDT inspection tests as the case may be, as per code or standard requirement
- Facility for Training welders on various welding processes
- Welding inspector certification for welding inspection personnel.
Standards and Codes for WPS, PQR and WPQ
Though many standards and codes are available for WPS, PQR and WPQ, we list couple of them that are being followed at Trinity NDT. Note that this is not a complete list. Contact us or our Welding Engineer Mr Mohan on phone +919141339969 or email: and provide us the requirement.
- ASME SEC IX: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
- AWS D1.1: Structural Welding Code – Steel
- AWS D1.2: Structural Welding Code – Aluminum
- AWS D1.3: Structural Welding Code – Sheet Metal
- AWS D17.1: Specification for fusion welding of aerospace applications
- BS EN ISO 15614 – 1 : Specification and qualification of welding procedures of metallic material – welding procedure test
- BS EN ISO 15609 – 1 : Specification and qualification of welding procedures of metallic material – welding procedure Specification
- BS EN ISO 9606 – 1: Qualification test of Welders – Fusion welding – steels
- BS EN ISO 287 – 1: Qualification test of Welders – Fusion welding – steels