Ultrasonic Testing Courses. Level I, II Certification.
Online, Offline with Hands on Practicals. 25+ Years Expertise in UT Training.
Best Institute in India. ISO17025 Labs for Practicals. 42+ Countries. Since 2001.
Ultrasonic Testing Level I, II Training in Bangalore, India. Online, Offline Courses. ASNT SNT TC 1A Certification. Best in Class Level III Trainers.

Trinity Institute of NDT Technology, a training unit of ‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Pvt. Ltd’ Bangalore. Globally recognized Institute for Ultrasonic testing certification courses. Level I, II as per ASNT SNT TC 1A, ISO9712. Available in Online, physical modules. Check our yearly Calendar 2025. Trained 15000+ candidates from over 42+ countries since 2001.
Now, enrol for our upcoming UT Level I, II training at your convenience. Courses organized both in online, in-person (offline) modes. The best infrastructure in India to learn ultrasonic testing at Trinity NDT, Bangalore. Opportunity to perform hands on practical sessions at ISO17025 accredited labs. Special course available for Ultrasonic Thickness gauging.
Special training courses on TOFD, Phase Array Ultrasonic Testing scheduled. Call, send us your request on WhatsApp Now.
Find more details on UT Level I, II courses eligibility, fee details, schedules here. Free Download UT Course Outline. Below section gives, procedure for online registration. Call or send your query now on WhatsApp.
Approved NDT Training Center For Top Companies
Approved training partner for General Electric-GE, Siemens, Infosys, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, GAIL, Airbus, Indian Navy, Air force. Also, Oman Petroleum, Dubai Airport, Hindalco, NTPC, EIL, BEML , Wipro, BEL and others. Know more about our customers.
ASNT Level III trainers with over 20+ years of experience in performing ultrasonic inspection. Aerospace specialized experts. Course contains principles, techniques, equipment operation, evaluation of indications. Practical sessions on UT testing of plates, castings, forgings, welds. For aerospace composite material using companies additional dry scan inspection practical added.
Onsite NDT, Welding inspection courses organized at customer works in Bhilai Steel, Sree Cements – Jaipur, Rourkela Steel Plant, NTPC.

World Class Ultrasonic Testing Level I, II courses
Ultrasonic testing (UT) Level I, II course focuses on applications related to Oil, Gas, Aerospace, Automobile, Fabrication. Great opportunity to trainees working in Nigeria, Ghana in Africa to learn concepts, practice. Exams held to award Level II certifications. This course gives complete understanding about UT testing of welds using angle beam, plates, castings and forgings. Choose our online NDT courses.
Availability of NDT workshop right at the location of training center enable us to deliver best quality UT training. Now, register for UT course online. Now, check our NDT course schedules 2025.

About Ultrasonic Testing(UT) Level I, II Course
Ultrasonic testing is one of the popular NDT testing method to find internal flaws. Quick technological developments in electronics made the equipment simple, portable. Interpretation of results are challenging than ever before. UT testing method has applications for scanning of castings, welds, plates and forgings. A tool for in-service inspection of plants, structures for wall thickness measurement of pipes and tubes.
Though, much of the inspections are performed using automated UT equipment, manual inspections plays a key role in process plants. Automated machines programmed by Level II certified operators. Examination results depends on operator skills. Practical knowledge helps in proper evaluation of indications to better accuracy. Interpretation skills can only be acquired by detailed hands-on practice. Institute is equipped for ultrasonic dry scan testing of composite materials and Advanced UT Phased, TOFD techniques.
Right combination of class room and practice at our Ultrasonic testing courses can make you a professional UT Level II inspector. Check reviews on Youtube. You can download course contents for free.
Certification Schemes - ASNT SNT TC 1A, ISO9712

We organize UT Level, II courses as per ASNT SNT TC 1A employers written practice, ISO9712. Certification scheme chosen on the end user requirement. Usually, International Standards mandates type of certification scheme. We offer training online, offline at our center in Bangalore, India.
Employer based certification as per ASNT SNT TC 1A suits for pressure vessel industry. For a aerospace, NAS 410 certification. Companies that follow ISO standards needs certification as per ISO9712. As SNT TC 1A gives flexibility of course contents, choosing a right institute is challenging. Trust the quality of Trinity NDT certifications acceptable globally. Find details about ISO9712 UT Course.
UT Certification Levels
As per ASNT SNT TC 1A published document, three level of certifications – Level I, Level II, Level III and Trainee.
A person before UT certification is called as ‘UT Trainee’. Shall NOT perform NDT independently. A Trainee should work under Level II, III practitioner. After obtaining relevant experience, can apply for certification for relevant level.
UT Level I can calibrate ultrasonic equipment, do testing as per approved procedures. Capable to evaluate indications as per procedure under Level II supervision. A Level II can perform testing, evaluate, interpret indications independently. Shall able to prepare written instruction to Level I operators. A Level III, shall able to establish right technique, approve procedures. Train, certify for all levels in the NDT method.
One has to select right level of certification based on his/her educations qualifications and experience. Also, Level 1 (limited) is issued for technicians performing Ultrasonic thickness Gauging. Find more details about Ultrasonic thickness testing course.
Eligibility for Level I, II courses
Aspiring candidates for UT Level I, II training shall meet the eligibility criteria prior to admission. Trainees should work under the supervision of Level II or III. Shall have qualifications as per employers written practice prepared as per ASNT SNT TC 1A. Check eligibility for NDT courses.
Refer below table for qualification, experience requirements. Person, shall have adequate near vision, colour vision acuity. Certified by a registered Opthalmologist or an ASNT Level III. Download format for Eye fitness document.
Level of Certification | Qualifications | Experience in UT | Total Experience in NDT |
Ultrasonic testing (UT) Level I | High School Passed | 210 Hours | 400 Hours |
Ultrasonic testing (UT) Level II | Diploma or B.E/B.Tech in Engg. | 630 Hours | 1200 Hours |
UT Level II (Direct) | Any of the above | 840 Hours | 1600 Hours |
Online Training Mode Courses on UT. Enrol Today.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Level II training now available in Online modes. Scheduled for working inspectors, mechanical QA/QC engineers who could not attend in-person. Online UT course duration total 06 days. Online theory – 04 days. Practical – 02 days. Held at our labs in Bangalore, India. Online examinations held for Level II certification.
Presentations, live discussions, practice videos are part of our online course modules. Completed over 70+ online certification modules. Check our online NDT course calendar.

Physical Mode Training

For effective learning, we recommend learning Ultrasonic testing in offline mode. Available at International training center in Bangalore, India. Held in physical mode, half a day class room and other half day, practical at our NDT Labs in Peenya.
Offline mode suits for persons who can attend physically. Institute offers affordable accommodation at Rs.350/- per day. Learn in class room and quickly practice the testing on the same day at our workshops. Every trainee gets opportunity to do hands on practice on numerous test samples. Mechanical QA/QC engineers can learn ultrasonic principles. Get certified to international standards. Read Short term courses for QA QC mechanical Engineers.
Salient Features of Our UT Training
- Experienced ASNT Level 3 trainers
- Reviewed as 5 star rated training
- ISO17025 accredited UT labs
- Online + Offline mode learning options
- Industry preferred UT equipment
- Limited to 15 candidates per course
- ISO9001 certified Institute
- Most Awarded NDT institute in India
Experienced ASNT Level III trainers. Field Experts.

Performing Ultrasonic testing independently is not that easy. Understanding principles requires class room, long hours of hands on practice. Listening to lectures from inexperienced trainers gives boredom. Can’t make you understand the subject. Trainers qualification, on-job experience is the key for effectiveness. Our ASNT Level III trainers are highly qualified domain experts. With over two decades of field experience, mastered ultrasonic testing technology. Learn about trainers.
NDT Course Fee for UT Level I, II
Course fee for Ultrasonic testing Level II – Rs.4999/- per candidate. For Indians, choosing 5 course bundle. For other nationals opting for 6 courses, course fee, USD $163/- per candidate. Includes exam fee, lunch, study materials. Above fee applicable for programs organized at Bangalore in India. Custom designed programs organized at your location across India. GST charged extra as per Government of India rules.
Fee for Individual method wise and bundle discount fee brochures available upon request on WhatsApp. Select four or more courses to avail special best discount fee. Contact us for latest course fee on WhatsApp.
Objectives of UT Level 1 Training
Objective of UT Level I Course – ‘provide complete knowledge of Ultrasonic Inspection-UT Level I as per written practice SNT TC 1A’. Participants carryout Ultrasonic testing according to established testing procedures. Designed to provide a sound knowledge. Practical skills’ to make effective evaluation of indications.
Duties of Level I Operators
Ultrasonic Testing UT Level I Technicians should have good Technical skills to be qualified to perform calibrations. Evaluation of Indications for acceptance, rejections as per written instructions. Level I operators shall not be responsible for the choice of the test technique nor for assessment of results. Shall receive necessary instructions, supervision from a certified ASNT Level II/Level III.
UT Level I Course Contents
Topic | Topic |
1. General Knowledge, Properties of Sound | 6. Ultrasonic Equipment |
2. Generation of Ultrasonic & Principles | 7. Instrumentation |
3. Interaction with matter and boundaries | 8. UT Test Variables |
4. Types of UT Probes, Cables and Calibration Blocks | 9. UT procedures for Casting, Plates, Forgings, Welds and Composites |
5. Methods and Techniques | 10. Types of Flaws, Interpretation & Evaluation as per standards |
Download Training Course Outline on Ultrasonic Testing
In order to certify as UT Level I operator, he should learn calibration of equipment, testing and evaluation of results. Practice scanning of Plates, Castings, Forging and welds. Scan, locate flaws and estimate size. Operator shall able to prepare Ultrasonic Test Report.
Objectives of UT Level 2 training
Ultrasonic testing Level II provides thorough knowledge, principles, techniques, procedure, evaluation of indications. Fundamentals of materials, processes such that the trainee would be able to:
- Identify suitability of UT technique
- Develop Ultrasonic techniques and procedures
- Analyse the Ultrasonic test results
- documenting / reporting of test results
- Understanding Codes and standards
Duties of UT Level 2 Inspectors
Certified Ultrasonic UT Level II inspectors perform following duties:
- Select right UT technique,
- Choose equipment, probes
- Set up, calibrate equipment
- Perform testing
- Interpret results as per standard
- Have knowledge of the scope and limitations
- Be familiar with production processes
- Prepare test report
- Preparation of written instructions for Level I
- Guide, check test results of UT Level I
- Care, maintenance of UT equipment
UT Level II Course Outline
Topic | Topic |
1. Review of UT Level-I course | 6. Codes and standards |
2. In-depth study of test parameters | 7. Industrial Applications for Ultrasonic |
3. Immersion Testing Techniques | 8. Acceptance standards and Codes |
4. Flaw Sizing using DGS/DAC/TCG | 9. Manufacturing Process and flaws |
5. Discontinuity Evaluation | 10. Outline on UT of Composite Materials |
Practical training: Same as for UT Level 1 course + Interpretation, Evaluation of Indications using DGS/DAC/TCG. Evaluation Methods and Echo Dynamics, Beam Profile and Plotting. Download Training Course Outline on Ultrasonic Testing.