Ultrasonic Testing UT Level 2 Training Courses
Among the important NDT methods, Ultrasonic testing UT level 2 training course is a much demanding certification for every quality engineers. The Ultrasonic testing training course will help the quality engineers to scan and detect defects of internal in nature. UT Level 2 training contains class room and workshop hands on practical on ultrasonic testing of castings, plates, forgings and weld joints.
The objective of the Ultrasonic testing UT level 2 course is to give the trainees the best knowledge about principles of Ultrasonic testing, UT equipment, calibration of UT machines and perform ultrasonic testing independently by oneself. This requires both theory and ample practicals.

Ultrasonic testing Level 2 Course Outline
The Ultrasonic testing course outlines about principles of sound, fundamental concepts of ultrasonics, formulae, calibration blocks in UT testing, attenuation, drawing Distance amplitude correction curve (DAC) curves, using Distance Gain Size (DGS) software scales and practically performing independent UT testing of castings, forgings, plates and weld joints. The UT Level 2 course also covers extensive information on ultrasonic thickness gauging of pipe lines, tubes and plates for corrosion wall thickness measuring. The UT training course also gives insights into advantages and limitation of Ultrasonic testing and introduction to TOFT and Phased array ultrasonic testing.
UT – Short term certification course for Mechanical Engineers
Ultasonic testing UT Level 2 training course is quite helpful for mechanical graduate engineers, those who wants to pursue career in quality. At present, Ultrasonic testing is one of the fastest growing nondestructive testing method among all NDT methods. UT is extensively used for scanning castings, forgings and plates before processing. Though there are handful of short term courses for mechanical engineers, a few can make a successful career.
It is quite evident that, demand for ultrasonic testing need is ever increasing with spike in manufacturing quality products. Good number of mechanical engineering component manufacturers understood the importance of quality. The forgings and castings we make should be sound to be acceptable for the customers and thus ultrasonic testing is vital for finding internal defects.
Though numerous short terms courses are existing for mechanical engineers, ultrasonic testing UT level 2 training course can make mechanical engineers to work in his/her own field. Thereby, can choose a job in his/her related mechanical engineering field. Also, there is a good change to pursue masters in nondestructive testing for career advancement. Large number of job vacancies keep the ultrasonic testing UT level 2 engineers engaged in challenging projects.
Trinity Institute of NDT Technology (A Training Division of Trinity NDT) is a World Class Training facility for NDT Training Courses and Welding Inspection Certification Courses.
Trinity NDT – Testing Labs are NABL ISO/IEC17025 certified to provide world class NDT Inspection services on Ultrasonic testing, Radiography testing, Eddy Current Testing, Magnetic Particle Inspection and Liquid Penetrant Testing-FPI testing.
Certification Scheme ASNT recommended Practice SNT TC 1A
There are various certification schemes today for a mechanical quality engineer to get Ultrasonic testing Level 2 training. Globally, employer based certification scheme SNT TC 1A of ASNT is most widely used today. Different training levels are Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. ASNT practice SNT TC 1A describes the requirement for employer based certifications including eligibility, training hours, training topics depth, examinations and every aspect of Ultrasonic testing Level 1 and Level 2 training. The practice also gives recommendation on annual maintenance and Ultasonic testing UT Level 2 training certification renewal details of UT level 2 certifications.
What is the eligibility for Ultrasonic testing Level 2 Course
Eligibility basis for ultrasonic testing UT level 2 training course has been clearly given in employers written practice made to the requirements of ASNT practice SNT TC 1A. Before and during course of certification training the candidate is called as ‘Trainee’. To be eligible for Ultrasonic testing Level 2 UT courses, the trainee should meet educational qualifications and experience needs.
Trinity NDT’s Ultramodern facility is One of India’s largest NDT facility and Courses are attended by participants from over 40 Countries including participants from USA, UK, Australia, South Africa, Russia, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Pakistan, Maldives, Mauritius, Philippines, Thailand, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Sudan, Papua New guinea, Angola, Cameroon, Nigeria, Kenya, Libya, Iraq, Bahrain, Algeria, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda & Ethiopia.
Ultrasonic Testing – UT Level I Training & Certifications
Course Objective:
To provide complete knowledge of Ultrasonic Inspection-UT Level I contents as per written practice framed to the requirements of latest edition of SNT TC 1A-2016 requirements and to enable the training participants to carryout Ultrasonic testing according to established testing procedure under the supervision of NDT UT Level II or Level III professionals. This certification course is especially designed to provide a sound theoretical knowledge and practical skill for UT required for Level I technicians. The trainers are well experienced NDT Level III in Ultrasonic testing to provide in-depth knowledge and deliver best contents.
Technical Knowledge Requirements & Responsibilities for Level I in Ultrasonic Testing
The Ultrasonic Testing UT Level I Technician should have sufficient Technical Knowledge and skills to be qualified to perform Ultrasonic testing Calibrations and evaluation of Indications for acceptance or rejections according to written instructions and to record NDT test results. He shall not be responsible for the choice of the test technique nor for assessment of the test results. The NDT Level I in UT should receive the necessary instructions and supervision from a certified UT Level II or Level III professional.
UT Level I Course outline
- Properties of Sound Waves
- Generation of Ultrasonic waves
- Interaction of ultrasound with matter and boundaries
- Types of Probes
- Test Methods and Ultrasonic Testing Techniques
- Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Equipment
- Instrumentation
- UT Test Variables
- Ultrasonic Inspection procedures
- Types of Discontinuities
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Practical training for UT Level I Certification Course
Complete calibration of ultrasonic flaw detection equipment for various types of transducers, Discontinuity Detection in Plates, Castings, Forging and weldments, Locating the flaw and Size Estimation Techniques and preparation of Test Reports as per written instruction by NDT Level II or Level III professionals.
Ultrasonic Testing – UT Level II Training & Certifications
Training course on UT Level II objectives
The course is intended to provide through knowledge, principles of Ultrasonic Testing-UT and fundamentals of material and processes such that the trainee would be able to
- Identify suitability of UT for the material and inspection technique
- Develop techniques and procedures that can be followed by a Level I operator
- Analyse the test results and documenting / reporting of test results for the same
- Be familiar with codes, standards and specifications for UT to evaluate results of the tests
The Trainers are well experienced ASNT NDT Level III professionals with over Two decades of practical experience on Ultrasonic testing of Castings, Ingots, Blooms, Billets, Plates, Rolled bars, Weldments and Ultrasonic testing during in-service inspections of Petroleum Refinery components, Pipe lines, Structures, pressure vessels, Boiler components, Power plant machinery, Sugar and cement plant machinery components and process plant equipments. Learn more about our trainers that will delight you with their rich experience.
UT Level II Responsibilities
A certified UT Level II (2) personnel is qualified to
- Select proper test technique, equipment and probes
- Set up and calibrate the equipment
- Perform testing and interpret the results as per applicable standards
- Have knowledge of the scope and limitations of Ultrasonic Testing
- Be familiar with production processes of the test material and knowledge of type and location of expected defects
- To develop UT technique for testing a particular job
- Prepare test report for i. Accept ii. Reject iii. Rework
- Prepare written instruction for UT Level I
- Guide and check test results of UT Level I operators
- Responsible for care and maintenance of the NDT/UT equipment at all times.
UT Level II Course outline
- Review of Level-I course
- In-depth study of test Variables
- Immersion Testing Techniques
- Principles and evaluation of flaw size using DGS/DAC/TCG Methods
- Echo dynamics for Discontinuity Evaluation
- Codes, standards and Procedures used in Ultrasonic testing
- Ultrasonic testing – Industrial Applications such as inspection of Ingots, Castings, Rolled Bars, Plates, Pipes, Tubes and Weldments
- Acceptance standards, Codes and Specifications,
- Manufacturing Process and Associated Discontinuities
- Evaluation of Test Equipment
- Outline on Inspection of Composite Materials using advanced NDT Equipments and Techniques
Practical Training UT Level II Course
Same as for Level 1 course + Interpretation, Evaluation of Indications using DGS/DAC/TCG. Evaluation Methods and Echo Dynamics, Beam Profile and Plotting