Ultrasonic Cleaning Services. Aerospace Quality.
Best for cleaning oil & Greases on precision machined parts
Expert Ultrasonic Cleaning Solutions in Bangalore. Pre-cleaning for FPI Crack testing.
Ultrasonic Cleaning Services in Bangalore. Best surface cleaning technique. For aerospace components. Pre-cleaning. FPI testing in NDT.

Introduction to Ultrasonic cleaning practice
Ultrasonic Cleaning is one among the BEST pre-cleaning methods for getting extreme cleanliness of the surfaces. This Ultrasonic cleaning method uses high frequency Ultrasonic waves to effectively clean the parts. Usually in the frequency in the range of 20-40 KHz and beyond.
Human Audible frequency ranges from 20Cycles per second to 20kCycles per second. Then what about frequencies beyond the human audible range? We call those as Ultrasonic Frequencies. It has wider applications in Nondestructive testing Ultrasonic Flaw Detection, thickness gauging, Ultrasonic welding, Ultrasonic flow measurements.
It is beyond the scope of the post to discuss about applications other than this cleaning technique. A method useful for pre-cleaning of parts before Magnetic particle MPI testing and Aerospace FPI testing applications.
Ultrasonic method can give comparatively better cleaning surfaces. An advantage of this clearing method can perform on even intricate shapes and tighter crack surfaces. It is a primary cleaning method when extremely clean surfaces are desired. For example Aluminium, Magnesium and titanium components.
In Ultrasonic cleaning method, a tank is fitted with multiple Ultrasonic probes of high energy. A liquid medium such as DM water or acetone is common for aerospace use. Also Ultrasonic equipment is added with heating capability. This facility of added heating coils enhances the cleaning operation and increases the speed of cleaning.
About our Ultrasonic cleaning service in Peenya, Bangalore
Aerospace NDT testing labs at Trinity NDT have Ultrasonic cleaning equipment. We also serve customers in Need to support by providing Ultrasonic cleaning services in Peenya Industrial Area at Bangalore India
Equipment with cleaning using ultrasonic principle can serve Small mini and micro components to large aerospace fasteners and structures cleaning up to size of 600mm and beyond. Also, Ultrasonic cleaning method can be trailer made to suit customer requirements.
In addition, post cleaning, we can also perform NDT testing Viz; MPI and FPI of aerospace components.
You can outsource your cleaning needs to us and relax we have team of experts to carry the operation to your satisfaction.
We also provide our surface cleaning services within the shortest possible time so that you need wait for further operations.
Serving over 500 plus clients in India and abroad, our Cleaning facility and equipment are specially designed for aerospace component cleaning. NDT testing labs and surface cleaning facility is easily accessible for clients in and around Bangalore, Hosur, Mysore and Mangalore in India.
Then, what are you waiting for? we are at your service from our World class Center of excellence in NDT & Welding. Call us now or whats app us and start QUICK chat with our experts. You may also visit our Website to find more about our nondestructive testing and welding services. Call NOW: +91 9844129439 email: info@trinityndt.com W: www.trinityndt.com