Radiography Testing (RT) X-ray Services Lab in Bangalore.
Fastest RT Services. NABL Accredited Lab. Aerospace Quality X-ray Facility.
Experts in Industrial Radiography of Welds & Castings. Serving Customers 24X7.
Radiography Testing, X-Ray Services in Bangalore. AERB, Govt of India Approved. NABL Accredited Lab in Peenya. Onsite RT in Hosur, Mysore. 1500+ Clients in India.

Here is the complete NDT Lab for Radiography testing of your welds, castings in Bangalore. Our X-ray, Gamma radiography services are NABL accredited. Make use of In-house RT enclosure to serve customers on-time, round the clock. An NDT vertical from ‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited’ – started in 2001. Perhaps, the faster growing, quick serving X-ray labs center located at Asia’s largest Industrial area, Peenya at 4th Phase, Bangalore. We are just a phone call away to serve our customers.
‘Trinity NDT’ is recognized as reliable NDT lab for RT testing in the state of Karnataka. Trusted by over 1500+ customers across India. Executed 500+ projects. 24X7, In-lab x-ray, gamma ray services from RT enclosure in Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore. Facility equipped with 5 Ton EOT Crane to handle large components. RT testing team is capable to serve onsite at your works. Check our onsite services now available also at client works in Hosur and Mysore.
From weld radiography of cross country pipelines to casting inspection, trust our third party services. In-house ASNT Level III certified RT experts. 25+ years of experienced, Radiological Safety Officers(RSO). Certified from AERB, Mumbai. Licensed facility. Equipped with safety gear, accessories for on-site radiography for fixed, large installations.
BARC certified Level I Radiographers to test Welds, Castings, Pressure vessels, Pipelines and Boiler parts. Approved by Directorate of Factories, Boilers (Boiler Inspector), Government of Karnataka. Best experienced Radiographers to perform inspection of welds of headers, boiler castings, economiser tubes. Reference radiographs ASTM E446 available for classification of casting defects.
Looking for trusted, on-time Radiography testing Services near Bangalore or Mysore? Call/whatsapp us today. Experience our award winning NDT services.
Experts in Castings, Weld radiography.
RT Enclosure in Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore

Radiography Enclosures helps to carryout inspections in the safest conditions. Transportation of radiation sources to the site requires prior approval from AERB, Mumbai. For that reason, where it is not practicable to transport the component, RT testing is performed in in-house enclosures. This helps to maintain safety. RT Enclosures typically located at industrial areas are safer places compared to open field Radiography that is most prevalent in India.
Trinity NDT – RT Enclosure at Bangalore is operational 24X7. Facility approved by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) Mumbai.
NABL Accredited RT testing X-ray Facility in India
NABL accreditation is considered as best proof of trust worthy results for any testing lab. Our Radiography X-ray testing labs are ISO17025 accredited from NABL, Delhi. Download Trinity NDT – NABL accreditation certificate, scope.
Also, quality of Radiography X rays can meet aerospace NDT standards. Our NADCAP accredited labs serves on MPI and FPI testing.
Sources Available at Trinity NDT: Iridium(Ir) 192, X-ray.
Also, available Digital Radiography (DR), Computed Radiography(CR) system at our NDT Center in Peenya, Bangalore.

IBR Boiler Inspector Approved RT testing Services
Indian Boiler Regulations(IBR) – mandatory industry rules for construction of boilers in India. Boiler manufacturers or service providers need mandatory test parts as per IBR. This needs, performing NDT testing, Radiography X-ray tests at only approved labs.
Our RT testing labs at Bangalore in are approved by The Inspector of Boilers, Government of Karnataka as per IBR. Centre located in Peenya Industrial Area, Bengaluru to test welds as per IBR regulations and even qualify welders. In addition, Center of welding provides consulting for WPS, PQR, qualification and certification of welders as per IBR. Find more about WPS IBR Welder Certification services.

AERB, Govt of India Licenced RT Enclosure in Bangalore

Designed to meet requirements of AERB, it is one of the best Radiography testing enclosure located at Peenya, Bangalore. Enclosure can operate up to 100 Curie of Iridium192 source. Cameras carry sources under safe conditions. X-rays provides superior quality images.
With built in radiation safety, it is one of the finest Radiography X ray center in India. Serving not only customers in Bangalore, but also in Hosur and Mysore.
In-house Dark Room for film Processing
Digital imaging is picking up at a faster pace using DR, Computed Radiography services However, film radiography is dominant in industrial applications. After exposure, x ray films shall be processed in a dark room. Using right temperature, humidity and chemicals.
Film processing converts invisible (latent) image to visible image that is suitable for interpretation. To get consistency in results Dark room processing of X ray film is vital. If not adequately controlled, improper film processing causes Film artefacts (false indications). Therefore, our skilled RT technicians process films with extreme care.
Selection of X ray film quality depends on customer needs. In general, we prefer using D7 (Agfa Make) films. Based on customer need, we can also use other quality x ray films such as D4 or D3 (Agfa make) equivalent of Kodak or Fuji.
Onsite Radiography, X ray Services
Not all components are transportable to Trinity NDT Service – RT labs in Bangalore. Objects such as welded, fabricated structures, pipe line welds, tanks, pressure vessels and bigger size castings are Radiography tested onsite. We have mobile teams, that carries the sources onsite to customer works.
For this, we need prior request addressed to Radiological Safety Officer(RSO) stationed at our labs. After feasibility checks and approval from AERB, Mumbai, we plan for RT testing onsite.
Adequate safety accessories, trained BARC certified Level I Radiographers, RSO available at lab. If you need onsite Radiography testing or x-ray inspection contact us or WhatsApp us today.

ASTM E446 Casting Reference Radiographs Available for Interpretation

With decades of experience, BARC Level I Radiographers can do inspection of heavy castings and welds. For X ray film interpretation of castings ASTM E446 reference Radiographs are available at labs. Similarly, Welding Radiography reference standards are available for weld x-ray interpretation.
These ASTM E446 reference radiographs are published from ASTM, USA. Standard helps in classification of shrinkage levels, defects in castings. Our ASNT Level III experts perform interpretation as per the standard.
ASNT Level III consulting Services in Radiography Testing
Radiography test results are reliable under able guidance of ASNT Level III experts. Our in-house RT Level 3 prepares, approves NDT procedures. Supports customers as company level III as per ASNT SNT TC 1A. Preparation of written practice for employers for qualification, certification of NDT personnel. Supports for selection of technique, acceptance criteria. In-house expert stationed at Bangalore, adds great value for our quality of x-ray services. Check profile of Ravi Kumar Thammana, ASNT Level III.
If you need ASNT Level III consulting on Radiography method at Bangalore, contact us. Know more about ASNT NDT Level III Services.
For helping customers in establishing right NDT procedure, we have published free Radiography testing procedure pdf to download.
Equipment, Accessories at Trinity NDT - RT Labs in Peenya
The Radiography testing labs at Bangalore Karnataka, India has
- Ir-192 Radiography Camera(IGRED)
- X-Ray machine – 250Kv
- Radiography Enclosure
- Radiation Survey Meters
- Pocket Dosimeters
- Safety Accessories CV Tongs, Lead Pots & Lead Sheets
- IQI Image Quality Indicators
- Computed Radiography Equipment
- Film Processing Dark Room
Radiography, x-ray charges in Bangalore
Major factors affecting Radiography X ray testing charges are material, job thickness. Price depends on quality of x-ray film, sensitivity and other factors. For example, we choose D4 for high quality and D7 for normal quality. 2-2T is the generally acceptable sensitivity.
X ray radiography test charges are based on film consumption and location of testing. In general, for a weld test coupon of 300mm length, 10mm thickness radiography our charges starts from Rs.750/-+gst. For quotation for RT services WhatsApp us your request.
We are serving 1500+ customers across sites in India including aerospace sector clients.
How to Contact us for RT Services?
To avail our Radiography Services, here is the procedure to reach us.
- Whatsapp message describing your testing requirements
- Indicate part size, drawing, material, thickness and standard
- Job location, no. of weld joints/castings
- RT procedure and acceptance criteria, if any
- Your contact phone number
- Technical Team will contact you.
- We normally reply within 2 hours on working days.
Check our other NDT, Welding services
Training, Certification Course on
Radiography Testing & Film Interpretation
Want to learn in Radiography testing principles, techniques or Film Interpretation? Our NDT courses make you a certified inspector on RTFI. With this you can self interpret your own x-ray films. Be competent to analyse, evaluate films, images.
Training division of ‘Trinity NDT’ organizes online, offline RT Level II training. As per ASNT SNT TC 1A and ISO9712 schemes. Check eligibility for NDT courses, schedules and fee details.
Find more details about Radiography Film Interpretation Course.