online NDT Training Courses. Live Classes from India.
Now Attend without Leaving your Job. 45+ Country Nationals. 50+ Programs done.
India's Best Rated Institute. ASNT Level III Trainers. ISO17025 Accredited Labs.
Online NDT Training. Live. Interactive. ASNT Level III, IWE certified trainers. ISO17025 Accredited labs. Join online.

Online Training Courses live from India
As a general perception, physical training courses occupies over 80% of NDT training programs. Online training though not attractive, got momentum since 2020 post covid. This is attributed to 3 major reasons. One being, inability of candidates to travel to institute. Second, cost of hotel accommodation exponentially increased. Third reason, sanction of leaves for those who are currently working. Now, you can register and do NDT Level II training online in virtual mode.
Not finding time to attend physical mode training? Register for next online NDT Level II training. Attend courses at your convenience. Without taking leave, without spending much on accommodation. Class timings suitable for working professionals.
Experts at ‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions’ designed online live training courses. Programs not only teaches topics in ASNT SNT TC 1A, but also includes demonstration videos. Over 1600+ NDT inspectors successfully completed 50+ courses. Organized in virtual live mode scheduled every month. Live from training center located at Bangalore in India. Send your request for next online schedule, fee on whats app.
Training Objectives
Online NDT training teaches students:
- Fundamentals, manufacturing processes
- Discontinuities in product forms
- How to differentiate flaws and defects?
- Principles and fundamentals of the method
- How to select equipment?
- What qualifications are required to perform testing?
- Choosing right accessories and consumables
- What are the different NDT techniques in that method? How to select?
- How to interpret, evaluate the test results?
- Reading, understanding international codes, standards, specifications
- Prepare, record test results
About Online NDT Training in India

NDT Level II course contains class room plus practical training. Class room sessions in virtual live through Microsoft Teams. Practical skill training in physical mode at Bangalore. Duration of course depends on NDT method. For example, Ultrasonic testing Level II, 4 day class room sessions. 2 days practical training. List of NDT training Courses available in online mode from India:
- Ultrasonic testing
- Magnetic particle testing
- Penetrant testing
- Radiography film Interpretation
- Visual testing
- Eddy current testing
- Welding inspection
Training as per ASNT, SNT TC 1A. Offline physical mode training check details here. Know details about ISO9712 training courses.
Course Duration for Online Training Modules
Online NDT level II Course duration is 15 days class room, a week of practical training:
- Ultrasonic Testing – 4 Days Class room + 2 Days Practical
- Magnetic Particle Testing – 2 Days Class room + 1 Day Practical
- Penetrant testing – 2 Days Class room + 1 Day Practical
- Radiography Film Interpretation – 2 Days Class room + 1 Day Practical
- Visual testing – 2 Days Class room + 1 Day Practical
- Eddy Current testing – 3 Days Class room + 1 Day Practical
- Welding Inspector course – 3 Days Class room + 1 Day Practical
Timings for Class Room Training

Timings for online NDT Level II courses:
Morning : 06am to 08am (IST)
Evening: 06:30pm to 08:30pm (IST)
Sunday Holiday.
Eligibility for Online NDT Certification Courses
Educational qualifications required for NDT Level II certification:
NDT Level I: High School Pass
NDT Level II: Intermediate or Diploma or graduation in science, engineering
9 months for UT, RTFI, ET. 4 Months for MT, PT, VT methods
Examinations for Certification
Schedules for examinations follows online class room training. Training coordinator communicates about exam dates on email. Usually, exams starts a week post completion of online sessions.
Daily assignments, quickly helps in analysing the level of understanding. Final examinations are held online in two parts. Theory and practical exams leading to certification as Level I or II. Find more details about NDT examinations.
Practical examinations conducted at NABL accredited NDT Labs in Bangalore. Announcement on exam results within 10 days the date of completion. Facility for verification of certification credentials for successful candidates.
You do not need any expensive system to take NDT online training.
Basic requirements,
- Computer (PC) or Laptop or smart phone
- Internet connection
- Microsoft team app (free to download and install)
Note: It is recommended to keep a stand by device for uninterrupted streaming of the online classes. Interactive sessions. Well qualified, experienced ASNT NDT Level III trainers.
Online Course Fee
Fee details for online courses,
Ultrasonic Testing Level II – Rs.7999/-*. For other NDT courses, best discount package fee, send request on whatsapp now.
Procedure for Registration online
For online NDT course registration,
- Send a request on email, whats app
- Get brochure, application form
- E-mail filled in form, attach documents as per check list
- Pay online through fee payment gateway
- Receive confirmation, study materials
- Meeting ID shared a day before the training

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Course Duration for online modules?
6 NDT courses duration is 20 days. Method wise number of days changes.
Is the course certificate same for online and physical mode training?
Yes, the certificate issued is same for both online and physical mode training
Is the certificate government approved?
There is nothing called as government approval in NDT. Industry acceptance is more important for certification. ASNT SNT TC 1A and ISO9712 both are widely accepted in industry for employment.