Liquid Penetrant Testing DPT. Level I, II Training, Certification.
Internationally recognized Institute. Expert ASNT Level III trainers. Best Institute in India.
Online, offline (in-person) courses as per ASNT SNT TC 1A, NAS410, ISO9712
Liquid/Dye Penetrant testing (DPT) Training. Level I, II Certification. ASNT SNT TC 1A, ISO9712. Online, Offline Courses. Institute at Bangalore. Serving throughout India.
Learn Penetrant testing from top industry experts. Best practical labs at Bangalore, India. Trinity NDT NABL accredited Labs, equipped with ALL penetrant techniques. Gives unique, DPT Level I, II training experience. Red Dye Penetrant testing(DPT) to highly sensitive Fluorescent FPI we serve 1500+ clients in India. Participants from Castings, foundries, power plants, oil, gas, Railways, Weld Fabrication to aerospace companies. Best rated Institute for PT Level I, II training. As per ASNT SNT TC 1A and ISO9712. Available in online, offline physical mode. Whatsapp your request. Check, enrol for our upcoming NDT schedules.
Since 2001, trained, issued 16000+ certifications on 6 NDT methods. ‘Trinity NDT‘ – India’s Top Quality Institute for learning Liquid Penetrant testing. Only institute in India with in-house Aerospace NDT labs to learn all techniques at one place. NADCAP accredited for FPI testing. This helps you to learn, practice: Visible, Fluorescent. Method A – Water Washable, Method C – Solvent, Method D – Post Emulsifiable techniques.
This NDT method is known as ‘Dye Penetrant testing’ or DPT testing in welding companies. Perceived as the simplest NDT method. Test results greatly vary if proper knowledge, skills are NOT there for the technician. This is why, customers trust, Trinity NDT for DPT Level I, II training courses. Since year 2020 we started offering this course in Online mode. Option to choose certification as per ASNT SNT TC 1A or ISO9712 scheme PT Level II training (available only in offline).
World Class Penetrant Testing Level II Training

Class room sessions held at Aspire Auditorium. Practical sessions at our NABL accredited NDT Labs. Master the DPT testing skills at India’s largest aerospace facility. Wide range of practical samples available at ‘Centre of Excellence in Welding’.
Participation for 42+ countries including from Nigeria, Cameroon in Africa proves quality of training. Expert trainer deliver contents and share live examples. Enrolment open for upcoming Penetrant Testing Level II training.
Optionally, our ASNT Level III trainers can travel, deliver this course at any customer location. Contact ‘Training Coordinator’.
Find information on the ASNT SNT TC 1A course eligibility, fee. See details about Level I, II theory, practical examinations.
Why 'Trinity NDT' is Best for
Liquid Penetrant Testing Course in India?
Quality Engineers from BHEL, HAL, GE, GAIL India, Airbus, Indian Airforce, Adani, Hindalco etc.
attend our PT Level II training. 1200+ online reviews from participants. 5 star rated training since year 2001. Check
Feedback, Reviews before you enrol.
The Economic Times’ India Rise MSME awards named us ‘Trinity NDT’ as country’s 10th best-performing MSME for the year 2021 for quality of services.
High standards of quality, experienced NAS410 level III trainers, ASNT Level III trainers. Liquid penetrant testing training is best received at Trinity Institute of NDT Technology at Bangalore. Learn more about NDT certifications and training.

Course as per ASNT SNT TC 1A
The Institute is equipped for training as ISO9712, ASNT SNT TC 1A certification schemes. Liquid Penetrant testing course available in online, physical offline mode. Register, attend in virtual mode from anywhere. Based on eligibility candidates can choose level I, II. Learn and apply nearly every PT testing techniques, Method A or Method D. Trainees will have a chance to practice penetrants with sensitivity up to level 4, used in aerospace.
We believe, adequate class room, hands-on practical can produce better DPT Level II technicians. Onsite training is cost effective means of skilling your NDT technicians. At your option we can organize this course at your location. Write, Contact us for more information.
SNT TC 1A programs are preferred for organizations to certify NDT inspectors as per employer written practice. ASNT Level III prepares and approves written practice. This scheme is affordable. Organized specifically for customer DPT testing techniques. You may check our regular NDT training calendar, choose a schedule that suits to you. Also check our Online Level 2 courses.
ISO9712 is a third party certification scheme. Popular due to increase use of ISO, BS, EN standards. Offers courses in this scheme. Fee is relatively high compared to employer based certification such as SNT TC 1A. Check our ISO9712 training details.
Admissions are now open of both online, physical mode Penetrant testing Level II training.
Choose Any. Online, Physical Mode Training

Our Liquid Penetrant testing Level II courses available in online, physical modes. A two day intensive course, meets 16 hours of certification training as SNT TC 1A 2024 edition of ASNT.
Online courses live broadcasted from our centre at Bangalore in India. Delivered from expert ASNT Level III trainers. One full day hands on practical session at our NABL ISO17025 accredited labs. Certification examinations held online as per schedule. We recommend working quality engineers to choose online NDT courses.
Physical mode Penetrant testing courses held at Institute. Accommodation for outstation candidates also available. Practical sessions at our DPT testing Labs in Peenya Industrial Area. Find out more on upcoming NDT course schedules.
Aerospace FPI Level II training as per NAS410
We are equipped for organizing training as per NAS410 and EN4179 on Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection(FPI). Other employer based or ISO9712 certification schemes are NOT generally acceptable in aerospace inspections.
Aerospace NDT division offers FPI Level I, II certifications. Content tailored to employers written practice. Designed specifically for techniques that clients uses on day to day basis. The trainee must also possess prior education, experience as per NAS410 before admission. Documented experience only is acceptable for this course.
NAS410, EN4179 scheme courses held at Trinity NDT, Bangalore. Organized to satisfy customer aerospace FPI examination requirements. Write to us, fill contact form or request on Whatsapp.

PT Level II Course Objective
Objective of Liquid Penetrant Testing course,
- To make Individual to perform testing independently
- Understand principles underlying the method
- Implementing effective control checks
- Following Safety during the process
- Gain adequate skills to interpret, evaluate results
- Choosing right technique
- Developing DPT/FPI procedures
- Understanding ASTM E165, ASTM E1417, EN3412
Overall this course, gives comprehensive understanding of Penetrant inspection.
PT Level I, gets training, ability to conduct tests in line with NDT work instructions. An in-house, level II, III expert oversees his tasks on daily basis.
A PT level II inspector set up the process, carry out DPT testing as per procedure. Assess the outcomes. Writes NDT test reports, disposes the part as per acceptance criteria.
eligibility for Penetrant Testing Course

Requirements for PT Level I, II, III certification may differ based on certification programme. Before registering for a course, make sure you check eligibility for NDT certification.
Refer to the chart below for the prerequisites. Before admission, trainee must have adequate colour, near vision acuity. An ASNT Level III or a registered opthalmologist shall administer eye fitness exam. Download the Eye Fitness document format.
Level of NDT Certification | Qualifications | Experience | Total Experience in NDT |
Penetrant testing (DPT) Level I | High School Passed | 70 Hours | 130 Hours |
Penetrant testing (DPT) Level II | Diploma or B.E/B.Tech in Engg. | 140 Hours | 270 Hours |
PT Level II (Direct) Certification Course | Any of the above | 210 Hours | 400 Hours |
Liquid Penetrant testing (PT) Level I course fee starts at Rs. 4500/-* for Indians. Other nationals, Level II fee is USD $299 including examination fee. Send us a request, for special discount package fee. The course is provided in accordance with ASNT SNT TC 1A as per employers written practice of your organization.
Find about ISO 9712 certification scheme courses. For information on next NDT schedules get in touch with us now on WhatsApp.
Course Contents
Level I
- Basics of penetrant testing
- Penetrant groups
- Pre-cleaning methods
- Methods, techniques
- Types of developers
- Inspection procedures
- Sensitivity & resolution checking of test systems
- Types of flaws
Level II
- Review of Level 1 course
- Selection of techniques,
- Manufacturing processes and discontinuities,
- Interpretation of indications,
- Preservation of indications,
- Evaluation of test materials.
- Penetrant materials quality control
- Codes, standards and procedures
- PT Level 2 Practical Training
Same as for Level I + Interpretation and Evaluation
Certification Examinations
After completion of each NDT course, the trainee shall take examinations. He/she shall secure pass marks to be eligible for certification.
Find details of NDT examinations for Level I, II certifications.
NDT Level II Training Locations in India. At your Works onsite.
Physical mode DPT testing Level I, II are held at Training Centre in Bangalore, India. Center is located at 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Area, Find us on google maps.
register for NDT courses
You can directly register for NDT courses online and make fee payment. Also write us about your interest. We will arrange for a call back from our training coordinator.
Before you enrol, check the feed back, review on our training. Find reviews and testimonials about Trinity NDT.
For information about individual NDT Courses, read details about each method.
- Ultrasonic testing (UT)
- Radiography testing (RT)
- Radiography film interpretation (RTFI
- Eddy Current testing ET
- Magnetic particle testing MPI
- Ultrasonic thickness Gauging
- Visual testing VT
- Welding Inspection Certification Courses
- Welder’s training courses
- Metallurgy for Non-Metallurgists’ course
- Advanced NDT Courses
You can also download outline for each NDT course.