Test Lab, NDT Weld Training Course Institute India Bangalore | Trinity NDT

How to Choose online NDT Courses | Best Mode of NDT learning ? Find more.

Online or Offline NDT courses

How to choose between online and offline courses?

Choosing Online NDT training courses
It’s good to look into various aspects before deciding on learning mode

Cheers to Covid19 as many services moved to online platforms during and post pandemic. Things thought of never possible are available online. It’s a good transition, but does the objective of learning fulfilled? May of may not be based on recent outcome of these online courses.

As rightly said ‘Change is the only thing that is constant’ institutes and companies needs a constant change to satisfy the customer. Otherwise they become obsolete overtime.

But, unlike professional degrees and diplomas, professional qualifications like NDT level 2, level 3 cannot be limited to mere class room training. The training should be adequate to learn, practice and acquire NDT skills. Then the question arises, are the online NDT training courses fulfill to acquire NDT skills.

As per new provisions in ASNT recommended practice SNT TC 1A, online training can be an option. But adequate practical training is vital for making NDT engineers skilful.

Also, there are recorded and line online NDT courses. How can a recorded session clarify the queries, though there could be a Q&A Session at the end. Interactive live sessions are best option for learning. There should be an eye to eye contact for learning NDT. Therefore physical training can be definitely the best option. However as the pandemic around us, there are certain challenges.

Offline training sessions are little tedious considering the time to travel the NDT institute and spending the whole day at training. And getting a long leave or vacation to attend NDT courses is highly problematic. Especially it’s a difficult option for working NDT personnel. But the pain and struggles you take to make it happen is truly worth ful.

Professional learning includes enormous amount of practical training. That is how NDT courses are widely accepted by the industries to employ NDT level 2 certified engineers. If these course are also dry similar to some engineering degree courses, there is no point in getting certification on Nondestructive testing NDT.

There cannot be isolation of practical training and nothing is a substitute. You need engage, practice and gain NDT skills on your own from the NDT institute.

Surprisingly few institutes only offer NDT practical training. Being certified in hurry can be the reason for sure failures. Enough class room training and perform Nondestructive testing on mechanical engineering components is important to gain the advantage of NDT certification.

Online NDT training courses should suffice with adequate practical training. In India this new practice is emerged post pandemic. The engineers should ensure the quality of theory anc practical training offered by the institute. Also consider the qualifications of the NDT trainer. Though not essential, he/she should be ASNT Level 3 in the method being taught. Sufficient industrial exposure can be beneficial in teaching. Choose the NDT institute who engages well qualified NDT trainers without compromising the teaching quality. Check the trainer background before registration for courses, and find who actually is teaching you so that you will learn better NDT.

Online training super suitable for working engineers as this can be done at flexible hours. There is no travel time invoice to reach NDT Institute.

Good internet connectivity is of essence to a successful training. Intermittent network can compromise the quality of learning. Check the network connection issues if any at your location.

Ensure that after the online class room training there are practical training sessions or not. Do not neglect to attend as these training sessions can make you understand NDT Concepts easily.

In conclusion, if you are not a working engineer we advice to choose offline training. The pain you take will sure give you great learning experience. The practically you are strong easier to get into NDT jobs quickly. If you are a working engineer, cannot take offline ndt training it’s better to choose online NDT training courses. However important to see the practical training, trainers background, network connectivity and other factors.

Choose the right NDT institute to make you as a competent NDT level 2 engineer. Choose to go for online training or offline training purely based on your own conditions. Preferably wherever possible choose offline NDT training as this can give you best option to perform physical training winder conducive class room environment.

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