TOFD Ultrasonic Testing Services in Bangalore
Time of Flight Diffraction Technique UT Specialists. ASNT Level III Experts
Experienced professionals for testing of Pipe line, Pressure Vessels.
TOFD Ultrasonic Testing Services in Bangalore. Welding inspection experts.

TOFD is an advanced ultrasonic testing technique. Used for weld inspection of pipelines, boilers tubes. The technique is of wider use on petrochemical, welding of pressure vessels, fabrication. Capable to precisely measure defect depth. Highly sensitive technique for detecting lack side wall fusion defects which are otherwise difficult to detect.
At our advanced NDT center in Bangalore, we provide professional TOFD services. Labs are equipped with latest ‘Olympus make’ special equipment. Inspectors are certified to ASNT SNT TC 1A and ISO9712 standard. An in-house ASNT Level III has 25+ years of experience in Ultrasonic testing of critical welds, castings.
Probes, attachments, software meets international standards. An ISO17025 accredited lab serves across the states of India. For TOFD at our labs or onsite ultrasonic testing services, contact us.
About TOFD - UT Technique
In Time of flight diffraction technique, two probes are placed on either side of weld. One of the probe acts as transmitter whereas the other acts as receiver of ultrasonic wave. Receiver probe receives two types of waves during operation. The first one along the surface of the material called as ‘lateral wave’. Second one from the far surface of the material called as ‘back reflection(wall) echo’.
Flaws located inside the welds typically diffracts the incoming wave upon striking the tip of the crack. This diffracted wave is received by the receiver probe. By using ‘trigonometry principles’ length of crack can calculated accurately.
TOFD is powerful technique to find cracks, lack of fusion at weld interface which are otherwise difficult to be detected in conventional UT testing.
About TOFD UT Facility at Bangalore
‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Pvt. Ltd – Testing Lab‘ in Bangalore provides TOFD ultrasonic testing services. We are fully equipped to perform and analyse the results as per ASME, API, AWS and ISO standards.
With cutting edge technology from ‘Olympus, USA‘, our TOFD equipment can detect flaws accurately. Probes, accessories are designed to meet fabrication standards. ASNT Level III stationed at labs interpret test results and evaluate the welds.
If you are looking for advanced NDT services in India, contact our specialist today.

Advantages of TOFD over Conventional UT, RT
Though TOFD is an extension of conventional UT, it offers advantages when other techniques failed to detect flaws in welds. Following are few advantages of this technique over conventional UT and Radiographic Testing.
- Can detect flaw parallel or slant in direction to ultrasonic beam
- High speed of scanning due to smart features
- Easy to detect cracks, lack of fusion and slag
- Facility for A, B, C and S scan
- Ability to store data digitally, transmit
- No radiation hazard
- Instantaneous results
- Precise flaw size measurement
- Excellent for inspection weld joints at economical cost
Check our Advanced NDT Solutions

- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing
- Computed Radiography
- Digital Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement
- Eddy Current Testing
- Ultrasonic dry scan inspection of composites
- NDT, Welding Inspection training
- Welder Qualification Tests
- ASNT, NAS410 Level III consulting
- Magnetic particle testing
- Penetrant testing