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NDT Level 2 Engineer Resume Format | How to Prepare ? Free Download

Well, it is easier said than done. Applying for NDT engineer jobs is easy. But, do you that your resume should perfectly reflect your educational qualifications, experience and personnel data? A well prepared Resume can land you in your dream job.

Tips for preparing good NDT inspector resume

Resume usually represents your abilities at the recruiting experts. Copy and paste of resumes in haste is of NO use and your resume may enter into trash box of the employer. Then, how to prepare a resume for NDT and Welding Inspector jobs. Here are tips. Just follow and be honest in providing the data. False claims on educational qualifications, ndt certifications may temporarily benefit you but could not take you to long term career.

NDT Inspector Resume CV format

While preparing and submitting the resume ensure to include the following


Specify your full name without any abbreviations

Present Address

Include full postal address. If you are residing at a temporary address ensure to specify permanent address as well as some communication may take longer after your change from your temporary address.

Contact phone number or mobile number

Clearly indicate your mobile number that included with country code

Personnel E-mail address

Preferably should be professional. i.e do not include unprofessional words containing email IDs. For example: kissRajaloveXXXX@example.com does not provide good impression on the first go for the recruiters or employers

Vacancy Post Applied

For example: NDT Level 2 Engineer, NDT and Welding Inspector, Welding Inspection Engineer. Do not apply indicating ‘Suitable post’. It is simple that if you are not sure of which NDT post or welding inspection post you are applying is not sure of yourself, how can someone decide your capable post.

Qualities of Self

Write some important highlights of yourself. Do not try to copy and paste just to fulfil the format. Do your own thinking and phrase the best qualities you have and present your self.


Do not use unpleasant designs and colour patterns. Simple plain resume will do the job. Use simple official fonts like Arial, Times New Roman or equivalent with 12 font size, while preparing or drafting your resume and CV

Qualifications-Educational Diploma or Graduations

Educational Qualifications in reverse chronological order.

Professional Qualifications

Professional qualifications such as NDT Level II certifications, methods and materials qualified, Institute that provided the NDT certifications and course scheme. Ex: SNT TC 1A, ISO9712, IS13085, NAS410

NDT Welding Experience

NDT and Welding Inspection experience in reverse chronological order

Personnel Details

Personnel Details like Fathers name, languages known and speak, date of birth other detail that are relevant for selection

Resume in PDF or Doc Format

Keep your resume in both pdf and doc file formats. Though resumes in pdf file format looks good in terms of maintaining actual format while file opening, some job sites and employers prefer to send in Doc format. Check with the recruiting agency or employer requirements before you apply with resume.