Thermomechanical Origin of Strain and Distortion in Superalloy Welds-IIW India Bengaluru
The Indian Institute of Welding – IIW INDIA, Bengaluru Branch
Peenya Industries Association, Bengaluru are jointly organising offline (physical mode) Technical Talk
‘Thermomechanical origin of strain and distortion in superalloy welds’
By Dr. Kaustav BaratScientist,
Materials Science DivisionCSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories NAL, Bengaluru
On 19th March 2022 at 03:30pm
Venue: PIA Auditorium PIA Bhavan, Peenya Industries Association1st Cross, 1st Stage, Peenya Indl Estate, Bengaluru 560058
Outline of Technical Talk
In this talk, various aspects of weld induced distortion will be covered. The extensive study on the evolution of strain and stress in TIG welds, Laser beam welds and Electron Beam welds have been explored. The problem of cambering in thin sheet welding has been addressed and a novel set up has been designed to simulate the speed of welding in order to minimize distortion
About Speaker
Dr Kaustav Barat is presently working as a scientist in Material Science division of CSIR-NAL, Bangalore since 2016. He had been awarded PhD degree in metallurgy and materials engineering from IIT, Kharagpur in 2017. Prior to this he worked for CSIR-NML Jamshedpur as Senior Research Fellow and Junior Research Fellow for 5 years. He did his M. Tech from IIT Kharagpur in 2010 and awarded the best M. Tech thesis award from the Department for the dissertation entitled ‘’Fractal based characterization of fracture surfaces.’’ During 2015 to 2016, he worked as a tenured faculty in National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur. Dr Barat has published 24 International papers and 15 National and international conference papers. He was awarded in his early career with CPYLS (CSIR prize for young leaders in science), National Merit Scholarship, CSIR Research fellowship and DRDO research associate ship. For him, it is really nice to get an opportunity to conduct research and development in the welding field as this is supposed to be the most hazardous, precautious and astute engineering job. Topic name: Thermomechanical origin of strain and distortion in weldments of aerospace alloys |
For more information
Mr Shiva Kumar R
Hon.Secretary Peenya Industries Association &
M: 9900929439
Dr Vijay Petley
Hon Secretary IIW India
Bengaluru M: 94488 55995
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