A Course on Metallurgy for Non-Metallurgists for Quality Engineers
A Unique Course for Non Metallurgical Engineers, QA/QC Engineers and Mechanical Engineers
Course on Metallurgy for Non-metallurgists and Engineers
Special Course to Understand Basic Metallurgy
Understanding Metallurgical aspects is vital for mechanical, electrical and civil engineers as the materials used in these applications are predominantly metals. Understanding the concepts of metallurgy and materials engineering will add extra advantage of gaining maximum advantage in industrial applications. Metallurgy course is also important for design engineers to select right materials for right applications, chemical compositions, heat treatment diagrams, Iron Carbon Diagram, phase transformation in steels, production of steels, Castings, forgings, drawn products, weldability of steels, heat treatment of steels, surface finishing techniques. Infact, success of any mechanical engineer depends on understanding of metals behaviour during manufacturing, controlling the defects, salvaging the components for further usage.
Metallurgy for Nonmetallurgist course is especially designed for practicing engineers, sales personnel, laboratory technicians, NDT level 1,2 technicians, Welders, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical and Civil Engineering graduates, welding inspection personnel, marketing professionals who do not have understanding on metallurgical aspects of processing and to understand fundamental concepts of Metallurgy and materials science. The course is designed by practicing metallurgists considering the shop floor best practices and challenges encountered in the engineering profession. It is of the opinion that every engineer before being engaged shall have sound knowledge of materials chemistry, mechanical properties, behaviour of metals, processing techniques, foundry practices, welding characteristics, defects in various product forms and salvaging the materials. This special course will sure meet the demands of current industrial need to make the engineers proficient in Metallurgy.
The Unique Course for Non Metallurgical Engineers

This unique course on Metallurgy for Nonmetallurgist gives understanding the concepts of Iron Carbon diagram, phase changes in heat treatment is tricky and confusing subject. We designed the course to take you the whole new level of experience to understand the basic concepts of Metallurgy.
This training courses can be of standard topics given below or can be tailor made to the requirements of the customer. Program can be attended at our International Training centre in Bangalore or can be organized at customer works. Contact us of more information on fee, upcoming schedules and procedure for registrations.
- Introduction to Basic Metallurgy
- Metal Basics
- Engineering Materials
- Shape Forming
- Heat Treatment
- Mechanical Properties
- Joining
- Emerging Materials/Processes
- Failure Analysis
Surface Engineering
Training Course Brochure : Download
Basic Industrial Metallurgy for Nonmetallurgist Course Topics
- Introduction to iron and steel
- Understanding tool for metallurgy
- Classification of steels
- Based on melting practices
- Based on chemical composition
- Influence of alloying elements on steels
- Hardenability
- Differentiating carbon steel from stainless Steel
- Material testing and its importance
- Heat treatment process
- Microstructure studies
- Mechanical properties of metals
Know more about NDT training and Welding Inspector Courses offered from Trinity NDT.