Test Lab, NDT Weld Training Course Institute India Bangalore | Trinity NDT

WPS, Welder Qualification Tests. Brazer Certification. Consulting.

Establishing WPS, PQR, Certifying Welders, Brazers, Welding Operators.

Serving pan India. International Welding Engineer-IWE/IWT Services.

Welder Qualification Services in Bangalore. WPS, PQR, WPQ, Brazer Certification. Welders, Welding Procedures Consulting.

Welder Qualification Test for Welders

Welder Qualification WPS, PQR, WPQ in Bangalore

Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited is leading welding services company in Peenya, Bangalore. We provide, welder qualification, wps approval services in industrial hubs of Bangalore and Hosur. WPS and welder certification is given as per ASME Section IX, AWS and ISO.

Welding and fabrication codes set the criteria for design, material quality control, inspection, and welding procedure qualification. International codes universally require the establishment of welding procedures, emphasizing both the need for process qualification and the essential skills of welders to ensure quality of welds.

Before the commencement of manufacturing, suppliers and customers collaborate to define fabrication code and welding process requirements, ensuring a mutual understanding of quality standards and eliminating discrepancies.

Welding, being a specialized process, involves numerous variables directly impacting quality. Rigorous control of each variable is imperative to maintain consistency and uphold quality standards. The establishment of a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) before welding initiation is crucial. Any alterations in variables necessitate the creation of a new WPS. This implies any change in essential variable needs to start the new procedure and a new WPS.

For pressure vessel fabricators, international codes such as ASME Section IX validate the qualification of certified welders and welding operators. AWS D1.1 is employed for WPS and welding qualification in structural steel welding. Additional standards like Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR), ISO, and BS/EN provide detailed requirements specific to the industry application. Overall, it is the responsibility of the contracting parties to agree on the applicable code for procedure and welder qualification.

Are you looking for Qualification of WPS and certify your welders in Bangalore or around Mysore and Hosur, India?Providing complete welding solutions from preparing wps to witnessing and submitting WPS, PQR, Welder performance certificates that are acceptable globally. Write to us at: welding@trinityndt.com or Call: +919141339969.

Calibration for Welding Machine and Gas Flow Meter

Before going for Welder Qualification, performing weld on specimen, the welding machine should give consistent current, voltage. Otherwise, the produced joint could be defective. This undermines the welder skills. As there are machine factors that have direct impact on quality, it will be difficult to assess the weld process. Due to this, it is essential to calibrate the welding machines before starting procedure for welder qualification tests.

Where gas is used for shielding, flow rate is checked using calibrated gas flow meter and pressure gauges. In addition, to produce defect free welds gas purity is checked and maintained. Gas flow meters should be calibrated by NABL accredited laboratory. Each flow meter calibration is traceable to national standard. Gas purity shall be tested and a certificate is obtained from supplier of the welding gases.


Calibration Agency for Ammeter & Gas Flow Gauges

Customers typically looks for single point solutions. Whether it is welder qualifications, NDT testing or Calibration of welding machines and gauges. To give delightful experience, Trinity NDT provides single point solution by offering calibration and NDT as a part of package. Customer has the option to give to us or can arrange by an NABL accredited any other laboratory. 

We just need a day of advance request for welding machine, gauges calibration so that we can arrange at your workshop.  Contact us to inquire about calibration cost, request for calibration today. Know more about welding machine calibration services.

Welding, a specialized process for material joining, serves as the primary fabrication method. Merely connecting two members is insufficient; they must endure their intended lifespan, emphasizing the importance of a welding procedure (WPS) meeting rigorous quality standards.

Validation of a welder’s ability to consistently produce high-quality, defect-free welds through a vital welder qualification test is crucial in both welding and brazing processes. Welder performance qualification(WPQ) gives the assessment about welder’s skills in delivering right quality welds.

The Welding Services center based in Bangalore extends essential services like welder qualification tests, certifications, and validation of WPS and PQR. We serve for companies in Bangalore, Mysore, and nearby cities such as Hosur in India. Welding engineers have extensive experience in working with ASME, AWS and ISO standards.

The welder certification package includes 

  • Welding procedure specification-WPS
  • Procedure Qualification Record-PQR
  • Welder performance qualification-WPQ

To initiate WPS, weld testing, and welder certification reach out to Trinity NDT Center of Excellence in Welding at Bangalore, India. Our dedicated welding engineers ensure prompt service, supported by a well-equipped NDT service laboratory with Radiography(X-ray)Ultrasonic testing, and other NDT inspections for rapid and accurate results.

Also offers supporting ASNT Level III, IWE, IWT, and CSWIP 3.1 welding inspector services in India, catering to diverse welding inspection needs.

How to get WPS, PQR and Welder Performance Certificate?

WPS Welder Qualification test Bangalore India
Important documents in the Welders qualification testing procedure are WPS, PQR and WPQ.
A ‘WPS’ is a document with listed welding variables for repeatedly producing sound quality weld joints. Various welding codes, standards and specifications helps to prepare welding procedure specifications (WPS).

The procedure qualification record (PQR) is a document that consists of record of weld test results. A PQR is a document that records the
actual values but not lists ranges as is with WPS. 

Finally, from recorded results in PQR, a WPS is prepared with ranges using the essential variables as per the welding code. In other words, it is important that welder should know both WPS and PQR. In conclusion, PQR is an office document and WPS is a shop floor document for the welders. 

Procedure for obtaining welder qualification tests is detailed here. Send us a query on email or WhatsApp. We mail you a questionnaire to know your precise requirement. A quote is prepared and sent. Upon approval, release of PO, our welding engineer will witness the process at your site, collect the specimen, arrange DT & NDT and submit the documents.


Codes, Standards for qualification of Welding and Brazer Qualifications

Usually the code used for WPS or welder performance qualification is specified by the end customer. Trinity NDT – Center of Excellence in Welding provides these services as per any international standard. Though it is up to the customer to decide on welding code, we prefer to complete the process as per ASME Section IX – latest version.

Countless number of codes and standards are available for establishing WPS, PQR and WPQ. It is the responsibility of welding company to choose right welding code that satisfies the customer. Here is the brief list Welding Codes and standards for Welder Qualification WPS testing and Certification of Welders. You can check with the respective standard issuing authority to know the latest revisions

IBR 1950 Qualification & Certification of Welders as per Indian Boiler Regulation, IBR 1950 for IBR quality welders certification
ASME Section IX Welding, Brazing and Fusion Qualifications
AWS D1.1 Steels – Structural Welding Code
AWS D1.2 Aluminium – Structural Welding Code
AWS D1.3 Sheet Metal – Structural Welding Code
AWS D1.6 Stainless Steel – Structural Welding Code
AWS D17.1 Specification for fusion welding of Aerospace Applications
AWS C1.4 Specification for Resistance Welding Of Carbon And Low-Alloy Steels
EN ISO15614-1 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure test — Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys
EN ISO15614-2 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure test — Part 2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys
EN ISO15609-1 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Welding procedure specification — Part 1: Arc welding
ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels
ISO 9606-2 Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS EN 13134 Brazing – Procedure approval
BS EN 12797 Brazing – Destructive tests of brazed joints
ISO 13585 Brazing — Qualification test of brazers and brazing operators
ASME, AWS, ISO Codes and Standards for Welder Qualification and Brazing Qualification by Trinity NDT, Bangalore, India


Certainly, We will be glad to assist you, for Welder Qualification, Brazer validation of WPS and also welder’s training. For latest updates visit NDT & Welding Blog. Call Mr. Mohan K on Phone/whats App: +91 9141339969 E-mail: welding@trinityndt.com


WPS, Welder Performance Qualification as per AWS, ASME & ISO

WPS is a vital document that explains how to weld during production. Also, WPS records all the parameters used while doing the welding. Therefore, AWS and ASME section IX and ISO codes mandates preparing WPS and issue welders qualification. Trinity NDT-Welding Centre provides welders performance certificate and prepare a new WPS, if there is a change in any essential parameters.

WPS basically documents information. Such as base material grade, electrode selection, preheating, post heating(if any), voltage, amperage, welding speed, weld position, gases to be used(if any), gas flow and many other essential and nonessential variables.


If the welder follows the WPS, he could able to produce the best quality welds. In general, WPS documents with ranges of weld parameters so that the welder could able to produce good quality welds.


Brazing process qualification and Brazer certification Services

Brazing is an another joining process in which a molten filler material is used that has a liquidous temperature above 450ºC but lower than the solidus temperature of the parent materials.

‘Brazer’ is a skilled person who holds and manipulates the device for heating the brazing area by hand. Whereas, Brazing operator is the person who prepares the brazing joints and sets up Brazing equipment and thereby direct influence on the Brazed joint quality.


Brazer and Brazing Operator Qualifications

Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS) is a document providing the designations or values of the required variables necessary to achieve consistent brazing. That is to say, Brazers needs certification and qualifications. Contact us for BPS for brazers and brazing operators in India

Trinity NDT – Welding Center‘ is providing Welders and Brazer qualification testing since 2001. In addition, WPS meets welding standards, codes and specifications. Also, our team on Welder Qualification tests, Brazers Qualification Test, have experts with decades of experience with leading welding and fabrication companies..


Why Trinity NDT for Your Welder, Brazer Qualifications?


‘Trinity NDT WeldSolutions Private Limited’ has over two decades of experience in preparing WPS as per ASME, AWS, ISO standards and codes. Our welder certifications are acceptable globally. We are the trusted partner for over 1500+ customers in India. Approved over 18000 welder certificates. 

Also, offers WPS as per Aerospace standards such as AWS D17.1 – specification for fusion welding of aerospace applications. Our team is experienced in services as per ASME, AWS, ISO and IS codes.

We also have associated mechanical testing lab for weld coupons. And, NABL ISO17025 Nondestructive testing (NDT) Labs for X-ray radiography testing and other NDT tests in the same campus. Therefore, we assure delivering test results in shortest time at affordable prices.

Our welding engineers have IWE and IWT certifications from IIW. Also CSWIP 3.1 from TWI, UK. With over two decades of experience, our welding services have worldwide recognition. With strong expertise in welding, trust us for welding and brazing qualifications. Contact us today to certify your welders.

Charges for Welders and Brazer Qualification service in Bangalore

We keep the cost of our WPS services lowest in industry. Consequently, our charges for WPS Welder qualification testing is economical and affordable. Of course, the cost will vary as per the welding code and other parameters. In other words, we get information, quickly estimate and reply back with cost of welder certification. Charges for welder qualifications test starts at Rs.4500/-* in Bangalore, India. Ask for quotation.


Also, Trinity NDT – Welding Engineers have ability to hand hold the clients in validating WPS and train their welders as per welding codes. Then, test the welders and issue welders certificate. Do you want to know the charges for WPS, PQR, WPQ preparation? We are just phone call away from you.


Procedure for Welder, Brazer Qualification

  • Send us a request for welder qualification on phone or WhatsApp 
  • we mail you a ‘questionnaire form’ to gather essential details
  • Complete the questionnaire and mail to us
  • Based on the details, we’ll send you quotation
  • Upon acceptance of the quotation, proceed by issuing a Purchase Order (PO) along with payment
  • we’ll share the drawing for preparing the weld test coupon
  • Once coupon is ready, we confirm witnessing date
  • Post-welding, we’ll collect welded coupon for laboratory testing as per code, standard
  • Upon successfully passing all destructive and NDT, we’ll collate and issue WPS, PQR and WPQ documents.

Note: After the welder performing the weld, all inspection results collated by Our Welding Engineer, and assessed as per relevant Welding code or standard


Time Duration to complete Welder Qualification Test

typically, it takes for about a maximum of 07days from the date of witnessing welding coupon by our Engineer. However, the time may vary based on material, code, standard and other factors. At Trinity NDT, we give priority to customers in delivering the results in shortest possible duration. Because, we understand the customer time lines and delivery schedule better than anyone else. 

Contact us to experience the quickest services.

Where can we conduct the Welder Qualification test?

Welding of test coupon and witnessing is conducted usually at customer workshop. If the facility is not available, customers have the option to use workshop at Trinity NDT- Center of Excellent in Welding. Charges for this facility will be extra. Contact us for more details. 

Why Welding, Brazing qualification needed?

  • Firstly, to give maximum confidence that the welds mechanical and metallurgical properties meets applicable code/specification.
  • Secondly, each welding procedure will show a range to which the procedure is approved (extent of approval)
  • Finally, If a customer queries the approval, evidence can be supplied to prove its validity


Offering Welder, Brazer Training Courses at Bangalore

Learning welding skills needs best institute with right equipment and experienced welding instructors. Therefore, ‘Centre of excellence in welding’ trains welders on welding skills. It is an ISO9001:2015 institute for welders training. Also, the welding institute has workshops for skill training on SMAW, GMAW, GTAW and FCAW. In other words, welders training in

SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding or simply arc welding training
GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding or simply Co2 Welders training
GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding or TIG welder training
FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding

Are you looking for the best welding institute in India? What is your welder training requirement? Our trainer can map a welder certification training. Then, we can train and certify for welding positions such as 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. In addition, we train welders up to 6G position for pipe welding.

Contact us today to schedule a welders skill training course at our institute in Bangalore.

Also, our welding consulting services can help you to improve quality of welding. Further, our weld testing labs can do quick NDT. For example, X-ray testing labs for testing welds. Also, we fine tune welders in making radiography x-ray quality welds. Because, our welding engineers and welding instructors have vast experience in doing critical welding of pressure vessels, boilers, pipeline and many more.


Our NDT and Welding Solutions

Establishing WPS, PQR, Certifying Welders, Brazers, Welding Operators.